The reception

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Tenely's pov-

After everyone walked out we all walked into the room where the reception was gonna be. I was standing with Scotty's parents when he came up behind me and picked me up.

"Hello beautiful!" He said, I blushed.

"You looked really handsome up there." I noted.

"Why thank you my lady." And he kissed me.

"Hey stop that, Ashley and Trent are here." His dad slightly hit Scotty. Everyone stood, clapped and cheered for the new married couple.

"I can't wait till everyone I'd clapping for us, when we walk in for our reception." Scotty whispers in my ear. I giggled a little bit because the air tickled my ear. 

"You're gonna be the cutest groom!" I said back to him.

*One hour later*

Everyone has ate, and has been dancing their butts off. Scotty and I were done dancing and went back to the table.

"Scotty? Scotty McCreery?" I heard a girls voice coming from behind us. We both turn around.

"Courtney Bradshaw. How have you been?" Scotty asks standing up to hug her. I was thinking and put her blonde hair to the name. Its his ex fiancé. I got super mad when I figured that out.

"Its so nice to see you again." Courtney said after the hug. "And you must be Tenley, Luke Bryan's daughter."

I nodded, "Yeah that's me. And Scotty's new girlfriend." I said. And Scotty smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"Oh, of course. I've seen you guys on magazine's. Why didn't I remember that." Courtney slightly hit her head, goofing around.

"So Scotty how have you been, since I saw you last?" She asked.

"I've been good, really good. And meeting the love of my life is the best thing I've ever experienced." He kissed my forehead.

"That's sweet. Tenley you're cute." Courtney said. I see what she's trying to do. She's trying to show Scotty that I'm still a little kid. But what she doesn't know is that Scotty loves me, not her.

"Scotty, Tenley come on over here." Scotty's father hollered for us. We said bye to Courtney and walked over to his parents.

"Tenley we have someone for you to meet." His dad said pointing to a cute old lady.

"Oh grandma!" Scotty said hugging the old lady.

"Grandma this is Tenley, my girlfriend." Scotty introduced me to her.

"Hi grandma McCreery." I said and she pulled me into a hug.

"Its so nice to meet you Tenley!" She cheered.

After having small talk, we all danced. Ate and Scotty was drinking. I offered to be the Driver so Mom and Dad could drink too, and they accepted the offer. It was getting late though. And a lot of people have been leaving. Ashley and Trent are leaving for the airport in like fifteen minutes.

*An hour later*

Everyone had left and Ashley and Trent have been gone for a while now. I'm driving Mom, Dad and Scotty home right now.

Once we got home Mom and Dad went up to bed. While I helped Scotty into his room. And we didn't even change we just crawled in bed and cuddled fast asleep.

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