First Night At Scotty's

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Scotty's pov-

I was sitting on my couch watching a ball game when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it, "hey cutie!" Tenley says kissing my cheek and walking in. "Hi, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to be over here? We could only spend time at your house." I asked, "Well we are but I called mama and she said I could come over here." She explained, then kissed me. I pulled away, "Want something to eat? Drink?" I asked as she sat down on my couch. "Um no I think I'm good." So I sat down next to her. She cuddle up to me and we watched the rest of the game.

Luke's pov-

I was outside playing toss with the boys, when Caroline comes out and yells "Lunch is ready!" And walks back inside. Bo and Tate go running so I jog to catch up to them. We get inside and into the kitchen, the boys sat down. "Nu uh, go wash up. No dirty hands eating." Caroline told the boys and I. So we went to the downstairs bathroom, washed our hands and went back to eat.

"So where is Tenley?" I asked. "Oh um, well I let her go to Scotty's." Caroline said getting quiet on Scotty's name. I started getting angry, "Why would you let her go to Scotty's, when we clearly said that they couldn't be behind a closed door, and that's where they are. Those two are alone in his apartment. Damn it Caroline, she could be getting pregnant!" I was heated. "Thomas Luther don't you dare speak to me like that, let alone in front of the children." She yelled at me. She gave the boys their cup of juice and walked out of the dining room. I felt guilty so I went after her, "Caroline where did you go?" I said a little louder than normal. I heard the sliding glass door shut, so I walked towards it and outside.

"Leave me alone!" She demanded. She was sitting on one of the lounge chairs so I went and sat at her feet, on the edge of the chair. "Carol, honey, I didn't mean to yell at you, plus it was in front of Bo and Tate. I am so sorry baby. I overreacted, I'm just nervous. Tenley has you're good looks." I went on. "Yes honey, but she has your good judgement, she knows what she's doing." Caroline reassured me. "Yeah but if Scotty is anything like me, and Tenley is exactly like you when you were her age, things won't turn out good. That's when papa bear has to step in and beat the crap out of Scotty, and grounding Tenley for doing that." I rambled on and on nervously. "Honey Scotty is afraid of you, so he won't do anything." She told me, climbing on to my lap. "Trust me, Tenley told me. Now let's get back in to the boys and eat lunch." She said getting up, but I held her down. "First let me get something I haven't got in a long time!" I grabbed Caroline's face and kissed her, for quite some time. She deepened the kiss, making it more intense. She had pulled away, "Hey you can't deepen the kiss, then pull away." I whined. "Maybe later after the kids fall asleep." She told me.
*Three hours later*

Tenley's pov-

I had just woke up and the Tv was off, the only light on was the lamp next to the couch on the table. It was dark outside, so I looked up and Scotty he is sleeping. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and look at it, the time said '7:50'. Shoot daddy's going to kill me. I freak out, stand up and Scotty immediately wakes up. "Ten, whats wrong?" He asks me. "Scotty it is '7:50'. I wasn't home for dinner. And my dad is going to kill us! What are we going to do?" I was freaking out. He stood up and put his hands on my shoulders to get me to calm down. "Hey, calm down. Call your mom, explain to her we fell asleep watching the ball game, and we'll be home soon." Scotty hands me my phone, and I dial moms number.

Phone conversation
C-Caroline T-Tenley

C-Tenley, whats wrong?
T-Mom, I am so sorry I'm late. Scotty and I fell asleep watching the ball game, and we'll be home soon.
C-Its okay honey, your father and I figured you fell asleep. You can just stay the night there. But be home as soon as you wake up in the morning.
T-Thank you so much mom! I love you.
M-I love you too!

End of conversation

I hang up and turn around to Scotty, "So are you in trouble?" He asks. "No the opposite actually. They said I can spend the night." He looked surprised. "Oh okay. Well are you hungry?" He asks. "Um not really." I answer. "I'm a little uncomfortable do you have any clothes I can wear?" I ask him. "Sure sure." I follow him into his bedroom. He pulls out basketball shorts out of his dresser, and a shirt from his closet. He hands them to me, "There you go beautiful, I will leave you to tet dressed while I go turn on a movie." He kisses me, then leaves. I take my romper off, and get dressed into his clothes. I put my hair up into a messy ponytail, then go to the bathroom. I wash my face and take my makeup off.

I walk back into the living room, and Scotty stops and stares at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask. "You look hot in my T-shirt and my basketball shorts are so big for you, they make you look so small, it's cute." He comes and picks me up and spins me around. "I am so in love with you Tenley Kyra Bryan!" He carry's me over to couch sits me on top of him and kisses me. I pull away and we watch the movie to fall asleep to.

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