Chapter 1

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*3 years Later ~ Mount Justice*

Wally sighed, looking down at the ping pong table in horrid demise. He couldn't believe it. He really couldn't and he just wanted to cry.

"Come on Walls, just take the defeat." Artemis smirks, looking down at the table with new found pride.

"I never get beat! The fact you beat me just goes to show how cheatful you can be." Wally complained, throwing down the paddle and folding his arms.

"Cheatful? Is that even a word?" Kauldur asks, walking into the room with a smile.

"It is a word. Robin would've agreed!" Wally says, suddenly making a sad, awkward cloud go above them. Wally's smile turned into a frown as he thought back at Robin.

It's been 3 years since Robin's been kidnapped and there was no trace of him. Everyone just finally accepted he was dead and dropped the search all together. They have been depressed for the first two years, but now they were slowly getting out if that funk and working on acceptance. Well most of them.

"Your right. He would've." Artemis says.

Before the room could get even more depressing, M'gaan rushed in with a bright smile on her face. "I made cookies! I didn't burn them this time! Come have some!" She says. Suddenly they all forget their funk and smile as they rushed into the kitchen, not knowing what was coming next.


"Renegade, come over here now!" The boys head snapped to the right where the voice was coming from and with all his might, he pushed up off the floor and rushed over to the loud voice. Staring at the ground, he could sense his master was right in front of him.

"Yes, Master?" The boy says, still keeping his head bowed.

"You failed your mission. This requires punishment." He says, making the boy gulp. "What should it be this time? The whip again? I think twenty four hours in the freezer sounds promising." He could sense Deathstroke smirking, making Dick feel uneasy.

He felt his arm being tugged, causing a strangled gasp to escape from Renegade aka Robin. Deathstroke didnt care. He took the boy outside and into the shed where the temperature was colder than normal. This place was not connected to the building and was only there for frozen meat. It had dead pigs hanging and cow meat. Renegade could sense this and gasped, trying to rush back out but Deathstroke locked it up. Last time he was in here, he almost lost his foot from Frost bite and split his lip multiple places. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be somewhere far away.

Robin, in his state, felt around for something, hoping this time they left weapons lying around. Robin bumped into a pig, making him jump back violently. His hand swept over something in his fright, making Robin smile. He gripped it and felt his way back to the door.

The experiments that Robin has been through the past Three years have taken a toll on him. Sure he can remember anything and just know where everything is with his brain and he can link up with someone's mind and see what they see, but even if he has those powers, they took something from him.

They took his vision.

Even if he can see through someone else's eyes, he still can't see. It gets annoying but since he can sense almost everything because of the experiments that heightened his senses, he could tell what was going on.

Renegade ran over and jabbed the clever into the door handle and hearing it pop open. He felt the heat rush to him and he dropped down and sensed that no one was around. Getting a strong urge, he went into a dead bolt down the lawn, rushing into the forest and rushing through the area. He could hear the distant shouting and alarms, finally getting the alert, but he kept running.

He thought mentally, remembering the way to mount justice. He made a mental map and rushed forward. He could tell he was heading in the right direction, forgetting everything that has happened to him. He just kept running and scaring himself. He ran into a tree, making him delay his time by 10.7 seconds, but he could get around that easily. He rushed forward and felt the scratches on his face. He came to a stop, feeling a sudden wave of wind hit him. He was in open area.

"Okay, this is not gonna work. Brain, where is the closest Zeta tube?" He asks, huffing and puffing.

His brain responded and a mental map came into veiw, showing a bright green mist in his vision. He followed it until he could see it no more. Touching the area he could feel it was a telephone pole. He felt around until his hand came over a handle. Frantically he pride it open and rushed in to the telephone thingy, hearing someone Shouting his name. Quickly he entered the coordinates into the zeta tube and prayed they were the correct ones. He could hear someone trying to pry the door open, which only made him shrink back deeper into the zeta tube. In a moment, though, he was reduced to silence.

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