Chapter 19

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*An abandoned building in downtown Gotham*

Deathstroke stood by the door, observing the mellow neighborhood as he did. He could vaguely hear Sportsmaster tinkering with the tracker he put on Dick Grayson when he was dead by The Joker. They hadn't the slightest idea that Deathstroke was a few feet away and shot a small tracker into the back of Dick's neck. He was waiting for them to get it up and running so that he could keep tabs on him. He had a little trick up his sleeve, but he wouldn't tell them about it.

"Deathstroke, I got the tracker you planted up and running." Sportsmaster says.

Deathstroke grabs a communicator headphone and plugs it into the tablet. "It's not just a tracker." He says and turns up the noise, hearing slight rustling as he did.

"The barbecue will be starting in about an hour. We just sent Artemis and Wally to get chips and a few drinks that we left off the list." A voice Deathstroke knows fairly well as Kauldur'ahm.

"Is it really okay to leave those two alone?" Dick asks, sounding happy which irked Slade slightly.

"They will be fine." A voice Deathstroke didn't know, says. "Dick can I talk to you?" The man asks.

This will be interesting. Slade thought.

**cutting to the mountain for a moment(keep in mind Slade can hear all this)**

Jason and Dick got away from the party for a minute, a couple of rooms away and Dick turned to look at Jason.

"What did you need?" Dick asks.

"How are you feeling?" Jason asked.

Dick was surprised at the question, but instead just shrugged. "I guess im fine." He says.

Jason nodded, taking in a breath. "Are you sure? How's your wrist?" He asks.

Dick tensed up and he knew Jason saw it. He could feel the Aura change. "It's fine." Dick says monotonely.

Jason sighed. "Dick, you aren't gonna get any better if you don't let anyone help you."

"I'm fine, Jason. I can take care of myself. My methods are none of your business." Dick shoots, his anger spiking.

"It is my business! Bruce put me in charge of you. Normally I wouldn't give a damn, but I owe Bruce so yeah, it is my damn business!" Jason shouted. Dick felt his aura change to anger, which only made Dick angrier.

"Bruce may have put you in charge but I don't need a babysitter. I don't need help." Dick states.

"But you do! Don't think I don't see it! You jump to loud noises, you get scared easily and you have nightmares. Bruce told me about them." Jason says, lowering his voice.

"I had them even before you." Dick says quietly.

  "Which is why I want you to confide in me. We are both pretty messed up, so we both should help each other." Jason says, a smile hinting at his lips when he saw the look of defeat in Dicks milky blue eyes.

  "Okay.. I'm not okay. Every time I sleep, he appears into my nightmares and most times I hear him in my head. Most times I don't know what I'm doing. And last night I couldn't sleep so I went into the bathroom and..." Dick lifted his sleeve and felt the others aura shift. He bit his lower lip.

  "Dick..." Jason breathed. Suddenly he was shoved against something hard, with arms squeezing him.  It took Dick a moment to realize he was being hugged.  Tears sprang loose, causing Dick to drop his hands and fall into the comfort.

*Back at Deathstroke*

  Slade didn't know what to do with the information he was given. Dick may sound broken to the hopeless teenagers, but he knew Dick's attitude too well. Dick was getting comfy and happy. Slade didn't like that. Not one bit.

  "What is it, Slade?" Sportsmaster asked.

  "Dicks healing. He is cutting. I didn't train him to be this weak." Slade expresses.

  "What do you plan to do?" He asks.

  "I don't know yet, but I need to get him back before he does something shameful." Slade says, throwing down the tablet on the table and sitting up, looking out the window. "Keep playing hero, Renegade. It won't last for much longer."

  A/N: hey guys sorry for the shortness but I wanted to give you guys something!!! I won't be able to update till Wednesday!!!! I have prom in two hours, Mother's Day tomorrow and then my brothers death anniversary Monday and AP testing Tuesday so enjoy!!! Love you little birds!!!

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