Chapter 6

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*The Lab*

Deathstroke paced the area, his hands folded as he waited for the Scientist. He needed to know if the Serum that is in Renegade was traceable. He wasn't about to lose the closest thing he had to a perfect assassin protégé because he wants to go and be free. Deathstroke knew that once Dick got a taste of the darkest part of himself, that there was no going back, and that made Deathstroke legit smirk at the thought.

"Oh Slaaade! Seems our little pet has been busy." The Scientist sang, skipping out of the main lab. He held up the tablet with the information on it and Deathstroke snatched it from him.

The headline says that the Joker was captured and it was all thanks to the young justice. A picture was there and Dick was in the very back, trying to hide but there was a visible smile to be seen. Deathstroke glared at the tablet.

"So, he thinks he's a hero, then." He handed the tablet back to the Scientist rather roughly, knocking him back. Deathstroke started walking out of the lab. "Guess he's in for a rude awakening." Deathstroke chuckled, before leaving the lab.

*Mount Justice*

"Candy is not as fattening as you guys think!" Wally complained, eating a giant candy bar he bought from the store. It was the 1pound Hershey bar, and he was eating it like it was nothing.

"Says the one with the speedy metabolism." Artemis says.

"Not my fault I am gifted." He snapped.

"Wheres Robin?" M'gaan asked, making them all stop and look at her.

"Yeah, where is he, I haven't seen him since the mission yesterday." Connor says, still not taking his eyes off of the static on the TV.

"He's with Batman. Soemthing about a new suit and a new superhero name." Wally says, shoving a piece of chocolate in his face.

They all watched in disgust as Wally happily ate at the chocolate bar, when the Zeta Tubes went off and they all looked over to it.

"Recognized: Nightwing B02." The Zeta announced. Dick emerged from the Zeta tube and felt that they were looking at him in shock. Dick walked over to their Aura.

"What's with the gawking?" Nightwing asked.

"How do you know we are Gawking?" Artemis asks, hinting at his Blindness.

"Just because I'm blind, does not mean I am stupid." Dick says. "But do you like? I think it looks great on me. I saw it through Martian Man-hunters eyes. The blue really suits the name Nightwing." Robin says.

"It does suit you. So does this mean you are now gonna be going by the name Nightwing and not Robin?" Wally asked, still chewing a piece of chocolate.

"Yup. I don't know why but today I just feel so... Energized. Like... I feel free almost." Nightwing explained.

This made the team smile. "I think the fact you are out of those clothes and changed your name, has gave you something to grip onto. Now you don't have to keep thinking back since you have nothing tying you to your past anymore." Kauldur explained, gripping Nightwing shoulder.

"You're right. So, what are you guys doing today?" Nightwing asked.

"Well, if you want, we were gonna go to the beach. I mean, if you want to join us." M'gaan says.

Nightwing nods. "Yeah sure, ID like to get out and enjoy some sun." He says. "Which Beach?"

"The one outside our Mountain. Of course!" M'gaan answered.

"Right. I forgot we lived next to a beach. Sorry guys, it's just been a while since I've been around." Nightwing says, a hint of sadness could be heard.

"Well. Let's go! You gonna go in that?" Artemis asked.

Nightwing nodded. "I just want to go outside, not into the water so I'm gonna stay in this." He answers. "Plus my civvies are mainly for a 13 year old. I'm 16 now." He reminded them. He could sense the sadness in the air but he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. He didn't want pity. Especially from them.

"Right! Let's go!" They say. Robin follows their Aura outside and once he was outside, he felt the sun hit him instantly and the wind pull his hair out of his face.

The team was already out on the beach, but Nightwing couldnt move. He just loved the feeling the sun gave him. He has felt it a few times when Deathstroke took him to Gotham before, but most of the time he was out at night or in a cell or building.

Nightwing stepped out even more and walked down to the beach, hearing the team laugh, argue and play around. Nightwing sighed and stopped when he felt a familiar presence. His blood ran cold.

No.... He's not really here, Dick. Get it together. He's not really here. Nightwing reassured himself. He took another step, but the presence was still around him. It engulfed his senses. He spun around, listening for soemthing familiar. He blocked out the team and took a step towards the presence.

He's not there, Nightwing. It's just a trick. He's not there. He's not there... Nightwing gulped and turned around towards the team. He shook his head and tried to ignore the presence.

"Robi- I mean Nightwing, you oaky?" Wally asked, jogging up to him. Dick didn't really feel his presence until Wally placed a hand on his shoulder. Nightwing jumped back and started shaking.

"I'm fine." Nightwing says, but his voice was shaky and filled with pain. He shook Wally's hand off and turned back to (hopefully) the cave. He ignored the concerned yells from his team.

The only thing he could hear was Deathstroke's mocking laugh.

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