Chapter 18

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Dick woke up, feeling his wrist throbbing and his head felt like someone ran it over with a train. He sat up with a grunt as he smelt the familiarity of Alfred's cooking. He sighed and threw his feet over the side of the bed, feeling like his body had just been smashed with a bat everywhere. He sighed, ignoring the cold like symptoms and walked over to the side his drawer was on. He fumbled with shakey hands, trying to pull it open. Once he did, he changed into black jeans, and a black and blue pull over hoodie. He slid on his black shoes and started walking down the stairs, using the railing to help guide him down.

  Once down there, he heard Bruce and Alfred conversing in the kitchen about a meeting Bruce has to go to. When Dick entered, Bruce and Alfred stopped and Dick could feel their stares boring into his face.

  "You know I can feel your stares." Dick says, feeling their gazes shift away from him.

  "I thought you would have Jason with you." Bruce says, taking a sip of coffee.

  Dick glared at the floor, remembering how Jason found out about his secret. "He was at the mountain last I checked." Dick says coldly.

  Bruce heard that, but didn't want to ask. Instead he smiled. "Well I need you to go to the mountain and talk to the team. Get out and take a break from Nightwing." Bruce says.

  Dick felt his change in Aura and was skeptical but complied anyway. "Alright. I'll head down now." He says and turns on his heels, making his way down to the Batcave. He sighed and voiced where he wanted to go, which he was greatful that he doesn't have to type his destination and end up in China.

  He stepped into the zeta tube and when he entered the cave, he felt no ones presence. What did the team want if they aren't here? Dick sighed and walked over to where he remembered the couch was and sat down, sighing.

  He was alone with his thoughts which wasn't a good thing for him. His thoughts wandered to his time with Deathstroke, how he kind of missed when no one really cared for him. He hated pity and he hated when people cared for him and tried to help. But then at the same time he misses it. He misses the snarky feeling he got when he made fun of his teammates. He misses the way he was when he was thirteen but he knows that will never happen again. Gripping his sore wrist, he sighed, sliding down deeper into the couch.

  Thats when he finally felt their presence and quickly, although not swiftly, he released his wrist and stood up, feeling their shocked presences. "Woah Dick, we thought you'd have still been asleep." Wally speaks, a little stunned at how fast Dick sat up.

  Dick had a slight blush, scratching at the back of his head. "Uh.. Bruce told me to come down. Said I needed a break with Nightwing. I guess he is right so thats why I am here." He says. He could feel their aura change to supportive as a familiar female hand landed on Dick's shoulder. 

  "Good because we have a surprise for you." Artemis says.

  Dick raised am eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asks, looking down, expecting to see Artemis, but instead saw the nothingness that was his world. His headache started coming back, which made him mentally groan.

  "Well, we wee gonna surprise you with actual cooked food, but you woke up earlier than we bargained, so now you can stay and hang out. Its a surprise Barbecue for you because lately you have been down and we decided to make you feel like you again." Artemis says, her voice and Dicks shock, made him actually start to break. He felt some tears spill and the team smile. 

  In the doorway was Jason, listening to the conversation. When he heard Dick cry, he smirked, knowing it would take baby steps for him for his mental healing. Which is why Jason has thought against telling the team about his cuts that he made on his wrist. He kicked off the door and walked into the opposite room, a smile present on his face. 

  Dick finally calmed down and they made him sit down and calm down. All the crying gave him the biggest headache, but no matter how sick Dick felt at the moment, he wasn't about to ruin the plans over something as stupid as a Cold. He was finally able to smile, and he didn't know long it would last. He was determined to keep a hold of this small sliver of happiness he felt, no matter how much it hurt him physically.

A/N: Hey guys sorry this isn't a long chapter! Its just a setting chapter so its small >~< But i will update again soon!! Hope you enjoy!!

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