Chapter 14

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Wally was eating chips when Dick walked into the room, holding his side with one hand and the other was wiping the dried up blood from his ears. They've been back for about a few hours now and the other team members all went to their rooms, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"You good?" Wally asks when Dick plopped on the chair across from him.

"Minus the church bells ringing in my ears and my headache is intensified, pretty good." Dick says, dropping the rag to his side. He sighed and scratched his head.

"At least you can still hear." Wally says with a mouth full of chips.

Dick chuckled. "No kidding. I'm surprised Joker didn't make me deaf. I'm more surprised that no one else heard it." Dick says.

"Well Joker did say only you and Supey could hear it. I don't know why, but it has to be something you guys have in common." Wally says, kicking his feet up, not realizing what he said made Dick really think.

Something him and Connor had in common? What could that be? Dick's brain was grinding and then, it dawned on him. "We both are experiments. Could that be a cause?" Dick says, not really sounding cold to the word as normal.

Wally swallowed the chips in his mouth and then nodded. "It could be a factor. Could Deathstroke have been in kahoots with Cadmus without your knowing? Y'know, same serum, same side effects. That kind of thing?"

Dick sat up. "It could be. The Scientist was excited and did mention Superboy a few times when he thought I fell unconscious on the metal table." He said and then glared. "Wally, would you like to go with me on a trip? Only you and me. I don't want to involve the whole team on this. If Cadmus was involved in my making, then nothing good can come out of this. Maybe my anger and sudden outburst are caused by one of the serum they injected me with." Dick says.

Dick felt Wally's presence change to that of an excited puppy. He could feel wally's sudden stupid outbursts helping him. But then his thing dropped to sadness and fear.

"What is it?" Dick asks.

"Well if we go back to where you came from, wouldn't Deathstroke be there?" He asks.

"Yeah, but we will do it quietly. I miss my old hacking ways. Teasing the enemy. M'gaan really snapped me out of it. I have been letting Deathstroke control my mind and I haven't been doing what I want to. I may be broken, blind and an experiment, but I still have some of the old Robin in me. I really want to do something that makes me feel alive again." Dick explained, standing as his head pounded in reply. "Right after my headache goes away."

He was engulfed in a hug and he was surprised to feel someone hugging him after about 4 weeks of being back. He was hugged by Bruce but this one was more heartfelt. Much more warmer. "That was beautiful, Dick!" Wally sniffled.

"Oh my god Wally get off of me! I don't have time for this!" He shouted, shoving Wally off, but blushed in return. He didn't like being touched, but for some reason he liked the touch. It felt... Welcoming.

"I'm going back to the Manor." He says under his breath as he entered the Zeta tube and was back home in an instant. He was greeted by the familiar scent of the Batcave and smiled. It was always so welcoming. Everything was welcoming at the moment.

"Seems we have a snooper!" Someone shouted, causing Dick to actually scream like a girl and jump away from the mysterious new man. Dick held onto his chest as his heart slowly settled.

"Who are you?!" Dick shouted.

"Someone you will know fairly well in the coming days." The man says, his voice slightly deeper than it was a few moments ago.

"What are you doing in the Batcave?" Dick pushes, standing straight up and trying to act like his heart wasn't pounding so hard.

"Bruce invited me. Something about a mission. But dont worry, Bruce took me in forever ago. We just seemed to miss each other since I'm on my own." The other said.

That stomped on dicks memory. He was who? Why did Bruce invite this man in? Who was this man anyways?! HELP THE BLIND GODDAMMIT!

"Oh. I see..." He turned his head into the cave. "BRUCE!!! INTRUDER ALERT!! AGENT A!!! INTRUDER AL-mmmf!!!" His mouth was covered by the unknown assailant, which made Dick struggle even more.

"Calm it! Is this really how the first boy wonder acts?! Jesus!" That stopped Dick again and he could hear Bruce rushing down the stairs. Dick grabbed the guys hand and bit it which made the other yelp as Dick threw him, hearing a satisfying thud from across the room.

"Dick?! What's going on here?!" Bruce asks sternly.

"There's an intruder and he tried to suffocate the blind man!!" Dick shouted, breathing heavily.

Dick heard a grunt and felt Bruce's Aura go into confusion, then sudden happiness.

"What Bruce? You aren't angry that A RANDOM PERSON GOT IN?!" Dick glared.

"No. He's not an intruder. He is-"

"I'm the new protégé. Or well... Ex protégé." The man says.

"Protégé?" Dick asks, almost as confused as a dog is to discover a chew toy noise.

"Yup. The names Jason Todd."

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