Chapter 31

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A/N: Because of the shocking votes and comments on the last chapter and the 4 new subs, i decided to add another chapter today! You guys are so amazing and make my day whenever i read your comments. Im also at 296 subs! Plus this story is so high in views! I never expected it to become this popular! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! enjoy the chapter ;D

The Batcave was quiet, holding the young justice and Bruce. They all gathered here after Dick fell asleep, leaving Jason in charge of him. They sat at the computer monitor, looking at footage from last night.

  They thought Dick waking up was a little strange, especially to Wally who felt the boys pure fear when he comforted him. They watched as Dick was still sound asleep, thats when Wally noticed a shadow above Dick, who was squirming.

  "Wait! Bruce! Blow up that one!" Wally shouted, sitting forward.

  Bruce did just that and saw Dick jump up, but grab his side. They couldn't hear anything, hut they could only assume that Dick hurt his ribs. They saw the boy mouth something, but with no sound, they couldnt hear. He attempted it a second time, thats when they noticed something drop down behind Dick in the darkness of the shadow.

  "What was that?" Kauldur asked, fixing his eyes on the shadow.

  Before they could answer or question it, they saw a hand shoot out from the darkness and grab the young mans mouth. Dick struggled as he was being pulled back from the edge of the bed.

  "Who is that?!" Conner asked.

  The monitor kept going and they saw the petrified look on Dicks face who was trying to get free. A hand snaked down and gripped his hand, making Dick tense up.

  "I thought Dick only hurt his wrists, why is his upper arm hurting?" Wally asked.

  "Thats something we will ask, but for right now we have more pressing items at hand." Bruce said, seeing the man had a metal gun to Dicks skin that inserted something into the boys arm. "Look closely, even if the man was smart enough to hide in the shadows, you can see a hint of yellow. That man is Deathstroke and he put something in Dicks arm." Bruce concluded.

  "Why didnt he just tell us this last night?" Artemis asked.

  "Deathstroke must have said something to him to make him scared, therefore he didn't say anything." Bruce said.

  "I guess a pet will always stay loyal to its master." A voice spat, all of them shocked to hear those words, especially from the last person they expected to see.

  Stepping out of the shadows, his glare was present on his face. "Why am I not surprised?" Bruce shot back.

  "Of course he would show up. When things start to go south, leave it up to Roy Harper to come stir up trouble." Wally shot, glaring at him.

  Roy didnt deny it, instead he glared. "I came because Jason called me. And its Robin we are talking about. I just heard about him being alive and everything else. Im caught up, so i know whats going on, idiot." He shot, walking forward.

  "Its Nightwing now, and no one wants you here. I dont care if Jason called you. You will just stir up more trouble than needed, Red." Artemis shot, stepping forward to stand next to Wally.

  Roy shrugged. "Too bad, im here." He shot back.

  "Not for long." Wally shot.

  Bruce stepped forward, breaking the tension. "Alright, enough! We have bigger issues to deal with so lets get to them." Bruce glared. Causing them to both look away.

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