Chapter 32

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A/N: I REACHED 320 SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBS!!! BLESS THE LOT OF YOU WHO FOLLOWED ME! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!! *clears throat* anywho, continue to the story :) *P.S: it was my birthday Saturday, so i was busy with haunted houses and food and whatnot xD ;D*

Dick pulled his hand back when he felt the air hit his arm. Since its been covered quite a lot nowaday, it felt weird when it was exposed. "I told you. I haven't cut since you told me not to."

Jason smiled. "Thats good, but look at me Dick, its okay to not be fine. If you have something you want to talk about, then talk to me. Dont ever think that you cant." He smiled.

Dick nodded, a tear spilling out of the side of his eye. "I just.... i dont know how to tell them that ive been marked by Deathstroke. What if they deem me a traitor?" Dick was now losing more tears, his eyes becoming wide.

"Listen, they may be on edge, even if they dont want to say it, you are not a traitor. You are just always alone at the wrong times. Its never your fault, got that?" Jason said, sternly.

Dick nodded, tears slipping from his eyes more and more. Jason leaned forward and gripped him into a hug. Dick started shaking, but knew he was being comforted. Jason bit his lip and just continued to sooth the boy who was sitting in the bed.

*back at the cave*

They all watched, almost feeling guilty for not noticing the signs and the way Jason and Dick have been acting. "They have been keeping this a secret? For how long exactly?" Artemis asks, stepping forward.

Bruce slammed his fist down on the desk, startling all of the young Adults in the room. Kauldur stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We couldnt have noticed this would happen." He said.

"I'm his guardian. The fact that this slipped past me, not to mention he didn't trust me enough to tell me this makes me belive I failed him." Bruce said, through his teeth. He slowly sat himself down on the chair, putting his head in his hands.

The screen caught their attention, seeinf DIck and Jason pull apart, DIck wiped his eyes, and chuckled.

"Thanks Jason. I really needed that." Dick croaked, looking down at his bruised and sliced wrists. His cuts were deep, sure, but the part that made him cringe, was when he was captured and the statte of his wrists. Jason jumped off the bed, rushing over to the drawer and grabbing the gauze packets and some ace bandages with some antibacterial gel. He walked back over and started bandaging Dick's wrist.

"You know, with everything you have been through, the past few weeks for an example, im surprised you are still functioning as good as you are. I wasn't nearly as tortured as you, and im still trying to function with what they did to me. And yet here you are." Jason managed.

Artemis turned to Wally who was slightly grinning at the touching moment. That made her smile as well, feeling a small warm feeling at the moment.

That is until Roy decided to say something. "You two are smirking at the "touching moment" on the screen and yet no one is mentioning that Dick is cutting or the fact Deathstroke go through the security." Roy spat.

"We were trying to focus on the moment. We will deal with that later, Roy." Wally shot back.

Roy walked over towards Wally, speaking his mind. "We need to deal with it now. The fact we aren't doing anything, to a major threat i may add, is the reason Dick keeps getting hurt. Have you guys even put in the fact that every time Deathstroke shows up, its when Dick is alone? You guys are so worried on his mental insanity, you guys haven't factored in the fact that Deathstroke is closer to getting him than we think! You all want to help him, make him feel wanted but you guys throw his safety out the window! Work on that instead, Wally." Roy was now inches from Wally's face. Wally was glaring, but he knew that Roy made some good points.

They stared down each other until M'gaan jumped in. "Look, we worry about his mental state a lot, i will admit that, but its only because part of keeping him safe is keeping him calm. If we don't calm him, or support him in anyway, he will do something rash. So we need to put both thoughts into consideration when dealing with Dick." She said.

"Look, you all make good points, but in order to do any, we need Jason. He knows Dicks weak spots and what he thinks. So we need to group up and think of best ways to protect him. The first place we will start, is the chip in his arm. If Dick is correct, than removing it is not an option, but maybe we can pro-"

"-gram it to play games with Deathstroke! Kauldur you are a genius! We can lead him on a different path and mess with him a little, long enough to think of a way to neutralize it!" Wally yelled, jumped away from Roy who was still glaring at the hyped up Wally.

"Thats not a bad plan actually." Artemis said.

"It could work." Connor jumped in.

"We just need to get Dick to let us look at his wrist." Wally said, tapping his foot on the ground in his fast speed.

"Thats why we have Jason. We need to buzz him in here but not leave Dick alone." Kauldur said.

"I will keep him company. You call Jason in here." Roy said, through clenched teeth as he made his way to the zeta beams.

Wally ran in front of him, stopping Roy. "Not you. I don't trust you near him." Wally snapped.

"You have a better idea, speed brain?" Roy asked.

"Wally, let him go." Artemis shot.

Wally glared, but stepped aside and watched Roy disappear into the zeta beams. "You really trust him!" He shouted.

"We don't have a choice now do we?!" Artemis shot back.

Wally was about to argue but instead he grunted and sat down on the step near the entrance in a blink of an eye. Kauldur cleared his throat before going to the computer to call Jason down to the Batcave. Crossing their fingers that Roy and Dick will be okay alone.

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