Chapter 30!!

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The Medical Bay suddenly dropped a few degrees, causing Dick to stir slightly, since he was in a thin outfit and sheets. He could feel a presence looming over him, one he hasn't felt in a while. Gasping, he shot up in his bed, grunting at the throbbing his ribs gave off. "Ah!" He bit his lip, grabbing the side that was bandaged.

His eyes fixed ahead of him, trying to place the presence that he felt just mere seconds ago. A wave of coldness caught him off guard, making him shiver down to the bone. He pulled the sheet up more, but that didnt help one bit.

"Jason?" He called out, but heard silence in return with a small hint of the AC going. Who would turn on the AC in the cave this late? Dick wondered, trying to listen more carefully. "Jason!" Dick said louder, but was still met with silence. Dick shifted, readying himself to get out of bed.

"Jaso-ahmmmm!" Dick was pulled back, his mouth being covered by a strong hand. He panicked, his eyes growing wide as he reached up to grab a gloved hand, his heart racing out of his chest.

"Dont call for help, this will only take a minute." He knew that voice all to well. His whole body went numb as he felt his hand being grabbed. He jerked, tears starting to form in his eyes as the man grabbed his bruised and sliced up wrist.

"Mmmmhmmmm!!" Dick screamed, but his cry of pain was muffled by the hand he treid so dearly to run away from.

"This is only so i can keep an eye on you. I fully intend to bring you back with me, but not now. Not until I fully break you. Consider this your tag." Dick felt something sharp enter his skin just below the elbow but above his bandages.

Slade inserted something warm and electronic. Dick's eyes widened at the feel, trying to pull away, but couldn't. More tears spilling through his eyes. "Remember, keep silent. Just until you finally break. I will know where you are and what you do. Just know, i will be watching. How will your friends react, knowing a mole is in the group again?" Slade laughed, finally letting Dick go.

  Dick started hyperventilating, his tears still coming down as he gripped his throbbing hand to his chest. He felt the presence disappear completely, but Deathstrokes smell lingered, causing Dick to realize, it was all real this time. No dream was happening. Deathstroke was here, and he put something under Dicks skin.

  He grabbed his mouth, which had the lingering feeling of Deathstrokes strong grip, making him shudder in horror. His whole body was shaking. He needed to leave. He has no choice. They still don't trust him, that much Dick knew. But how will they react knowing their every move is being tracked? They will suspect him and therefore, kick him out anyways. Everything dawned on him. This was Deathstrokes plan the whole time. Get them to turn their backs on him. Thats what he meant by break him.

  "No..." Dick breathed, his tears coming down harder. "This... cant... be happening!" He screamed, causing his ribs to scream in protest.  He brought his knees up to his chest and cried into his legs. He heard footsteps, a few of them in fact, rushing towards his room. He didnt bother to look up, his body shaking too hard and his chest felt like it was gonna cave in. He continued to cry, even when the door shot opened and he heard a few concerned whispers.

  "Dick!" He heard, but didn't look up, his mind to rushed to think. He felt hands on him, and on instinct, he jumped away fast, his eyes searching for the person, but his body shook, making it hard to pinpoint who was trying to comfort him. "Dick, calm down. Its just me." He knew that voice, which made his muscles relax just a little.

  "W-Wally?" His voice cracked.

  Wally sighed happily. "Yeah, its me, your okay." He comforted.

  Dick reached a hand out and felt a solid shoulder, one slim enough to grip. His face broke down and he leaned forward, clinging around Wally's waist as he cried into his chest, happy to have someone to cry to. Wally was surprised, but wrapped his arms around Dick as well.

  "Your okay, we are here." Wally soothed, trying to comfort the crying teenager.

  "What happened?" Jason asked, making Dick stop, mid sob as he felt Jasons presence come closer. Should he tell them?

  Dick gulped. "Deathstroke." Dick choked out, his voice slightly scratchy.

  Dick couldnt see, but everyones faces darkened. "What about him? Was he here?"

  Dick bit his lip. "He was... uh... in... my nightmare." Dick finally said, cowering down. He didn't know why he didn't just say it, but he had an idea of why. They wouldn't trust him and he wasn't gonna let Deathstroke have the glory of breaking him. He needed to leave, and that was exactly what he was gonna do.

  "Its okay. Hes not here anymore. He cant hurt you." Artemis says, stepping forward.

  Dick nodded, breaking his grip around Wally's torso, wiping his tears away. "I know... it just startled me cause its been a while since ive... dreamt of him. Im okay now. I know you guys arent far." He said, bringing his bandaged hands close to him, as if afraid to get caught.

  "Of course we are. Dont hesitate to yell." Jason says.

  "Are you sure you are okay? We dont mind staying until you fall asleep." Wally offered.

  Dick blushed and nodded, quickly turning around to fall asleep. "N-no... im fine. I can fall asleep on my own... thanks though." Dick said. The thought of them watching him fall asleep, made him twitchy and he didn't want them in here... Not while he was "tagged."

  "Okay, just call." They say before backing out of the room and closing the door.

  Once he was alone, he sighed. "Why cant i just be left alone?" He asked to the air, feeling the bunp where his tag was now lying. "Why cant i just be back to the way i was... to the way we were?" Dick started to cry, curling in on himself as he clutched his throbbing hand to his chest. Everything was starting to look up, but now its crumbling back down. That made Dick realize something.

  No matter how happy he becomes, his past will always be one step ahead of him to bring him crashing back to reality, and frankly, that hurt him in more ways than Dick could explain.

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