Update On Condition and Some News

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Hey guys, I know, disappointment, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I have stupid Gurd, its pretty bad, like... really bad. Hopefully I will update soon. But I still have to do college homework while im battling this stupid sickness ;^;

  Also, After this book or sometime in the future, I am gonna publish a book that is a crossover between Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Also I have an Idea for a harry potter crossover with Merlin. If you guys would enjoy those, comment down below. Just some stuff to look forward to in the future. Im also gonna do another Dick Grayson book very soon.

  Anywho, thats all I needed to say. Hopefully this Gurd will go away soon. Peace guys! Stay Brave! If you wanna talk, I will try to answer my PM's as often as I can, but as for an update of this book, that may be a week or two. :) love you guys! You are the greatest!!!

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