Chapter 10

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Nightwing left the mountain for a walk. A good patrol would calm his nerves and he needed it. The team at the mountain seemed to argue amongst themselves about his presence, but he didn't care. He was angry with them. He needed to cool his head because a voice was telling him to do some dark things and it scared him. Deathstroke was poisoning his mind without physically being there. He just wants to be the old Dick Grayson before the kidnap. The one who was cunning and Cheeky. He has missed hanging with the team but Deathstroke has made them think he is broken.

"Dammit." Dick muttered under his breath. He turned and punched, hearing the shake of the leaves above him. He hated this. He hated being blind. He hated being weak. He just wanted to be strong to them.

"Punching trees isn't going to get you anywhere." Dick sighed and felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"Shut up, Bruce." Dick says, shaking off his hand and walking a few steps.

"What the team said was false." Bruce says. "They are just worried about you. Like we all-"

"They are scared of me!" Dick shouted, cutting off Bruce. "They are scared of what Deathstroke did! Hell, I'm scared of what he did to me! Don't give me that crap, Bruce. Now for god sake leave me alone!" Dick couldn't see Bruce's face but he just turned around and walked away. He was actually kind of shocked when Bruce didn't follow. He sighed and continued to walk. He didn't know where he was going but he just needed to get away from them.

*Back at the mountain*

"I can't believe we didn't hear him!" Artemis shouted.

"Hey, it is in his genes to appear and disappear fast." Wally says.

"Are you not at all worried?! He heard our conversation! He heard everything we were talking about! That includes that we abandoned him! I'm gonna go look for him for Christ sakes!" Artemis screams before grunting annoyed and stomping out of the kitchen.

"She's right. We need to look for him and apologize to him as well." Kauldur says.

Connor sighs. "Yeah... I guess it is the correct thing to do." Connor sat up from his seat and rushed forward with M'Gaan next to him. The rest of the team following behind as well.

*Dick Grayson*

Dick still didn't know where he was so he walked with fluent movements, not listening to the murmurs of the people on the streets. He made a quick turn, to preoccupied in his own mind to realize where he was instinctively heading. That is until he felt the presence. He stopped dead in his tracks. He could feel it was close.

Turning, he immediately regretted it and felt someone's hand on his throat. His back was then shoved to a wall. He grunted.

"Seems no matter what, you will always come crawling back to me." A sweet, Sinister voice said, sending chills down Dicks spine.

"Deathstroke." He could feel his voice shaking, making him want to slap himself both mentally and physically.

He felt a punch to the stomach and a shove to the pavement road. Dick coughed. "What have I told you about that name boy? You adress me as Master no matter what!" He kicked dick hard in the stomach, hearing a sickening crack come from his ribs.

"I'm... Not Renegade anymore.." Dick wheezed.

"Oh I know. Playing hero as Nightwing." Deathstroke gripped his hair and lifted his head, slamming it once on the pavement before bringing it up to him. "That hero façade will cave in eventually. They will abandon you when they realize the instincts you now possess. You are destined to join the league of assassins. And don't worry, Renegade. I'm a patient man. I can wait for when you snap and have no choice but to crawl back to me." He dropped Dicks head, but felt something stabb into his neck. He grunted and heard footsteps descend the opposite way he came in. "We will meet again."

Dick sighed, feeling his nose was bleeding, his forehead and it hurt to breathe. He grunted, holding his right side as he stood up from the floor. He could feel his breathing was laborious as he slowly took a step forward. Since he is blind, he hoped he was going the opposite way of Deathstoke. But his knees gave out and he landed on the floor, his head injury making him dizzy. His eyes slowly closed but not before hearing his name being said by various people.

*Bioship- still searching for Nightwing*

M'Gaan kept her mind open, listening for any sign of Dick. That when she picked up his presence. Superboy cut in first.

    "I hear him. He's talking to someone and he sounds in pain." Connor says, now alerting the team. They went closer to where Supey heard the sounds and they jumped down from the bio ship.  Once on the ground, they saw Dick trying to stand, holding his side and wheezing.  He took two steps before collapsing to the ground.

  "Nightwing!" They called as they rushed to his side. Superboy looked up and saw a man with an orange and black mask staring down at them from a rooftop. Superboy could hear the chuckle and he saw the man disappear within seconds. Connor looked back and saw that they turned him around. Dick had his hand on his side still and his nose, forehead and chin were scraped and bleeding. Night wing stirred, grunting as he did.

  Just then, Batman walked down the isle and looked down at Nightwing. "What happened?"  He asked. If the team didn't know any better, he sounded almost concerned about Nightwing. Of course he should be because he is Bruce's ward after all.

  No one answered because they didn't know themselves. That's when Dick answered. "Uh... It was Deathstroke. He was... Uh... He threatened m-" he was cut off by a scream. But what shocked him more was that it was his. His whole body became numb and his body wouldn't stop jolting.  He could feel it was behind his neck.

  "What's wrong with him?!" His team shouted. Batman rushed to his side and turned Dick over. He spotted the thing in his neck and went to go remove it, when it only shocked him. He pulled back and looked at Aqualad.

  "Aqualad, I need you to put water on this, fry its circuits." Batman ordered. Aqualad complied and grabbed his blades made of water and whipped it down. Dick's whole body stopped and his chest was moving fast.

  "Thank goodness." M'Gaan says. "He shouldn't go through this.

  "I... I am ...used to it..." Dick says lowly which made everyone, even Batman, flinch at the words.

   Authors note: Guys this story has reached 2k reads!!!! I'm soooo happy!!! Thank you guys!!!! I know poor Dick, but trust me it will get better for him. His team will open their eyes and it will get better for him... Or will it? Am I evil? I don't think I'm evilxD

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