Chapter 12

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*a week and a half later*

Even though Dick was still in bad shape, he still went in front of the press to explain his "horrible kidnapping" by the Joker. He had to improvise most of the story and act like the victim. The whole of Gotham bought it and by the end of the day, he was welcomed back. Bruce wasn't particularly fond of acting broken considering the recent events that fell before them the last few days, but he found a way to ignore it.

They ended up going home after a meet, a talk with the press, mayor and police department. Once again home, Dick went straight up into his old room, not even talking to Bruce and slammed the door behind him. He wasn't in the mood to talk to Bruce, nor was he in the mood to confront his team, so he stayed stuck in his room whenever he could. He was happy about not being forced to go to school right away. Especially not in his blind state.

Bruce let him use his powers so that he could see who he was talking to, but even that gave him the biggest migraine afterwards. Even now his mind hurt and he felt like his brain is going to explode in his skull. That is another reason he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Their voices would just be like gunshots to him.

"Master Richard." Alfred says, knocking on the door.

Dick grunted, curling up with his hands on his head. He didn't want to answer nor did he want to get up and unlock the door. So he stayed still, hoping Alfred will think he's asleep and not bother him. But apparently life has other plans for him.

"Master Richard, Bruce needs you for a mission." Alfred speaks. "He says to meet him in the cave at once." And with that, the steps descended away from his door and down the stairs. Dick let out a sigh of relief but knew he would be back if he didn't go. Grunting out of bed from both the protest of his ribs and his head, he made his way to the door, feeling for the knob. He didn't know how long he has been in his room for nor did he know how long he has been in pain considering he couldn't see the time. But if this was a mission it was somewhere near 6-10 p.m.

Walking out, he felt his head pounding even harder. He didn't want to show it, so the whole way down the stairs he tried not to flinch and when he was in the bat cave and felt Bruce's presence he straightened up. Walking up to his Mentor he fault the presence of someone else and knew it was Alfred's.

"What did you need?" He asked, wrinkling his forehead in discomfort.

"I have a mission for you and the team. I know you are still mad at them but this is important. Is that going to work for you." The whole time Bruce spoke, Dick wanted to run and scream in pain as his skull pounded with pain. He didn't trust him though. Not like he used to. Dick only heard the beginning part. The others he drowned out to make it easier, not hearing the question.

"Dick? Did you he-" Dick cut him off.

"Yes I heard you, Bruce! Stop talking." He yelled, causing himself to flinch at his own rising words.

"Are you Alright, Master Dick?" Alfred asks.

"I'm fine. Let's just go to the Zeta tubes and get this over with. The faster the better." He states, Bruce sighed and they went into the zeta tubes and walked out, the announcing voice making him hiss at the loudness. He could feel his teams presence near him, but thankfully for him, they weren't in front of him so they didn't hear the hiss. Batman came through and they both walked into the main room. He could feel the immediate tension fill the room when he entered and sucked in a deep breath. He stopped a few feet from them and closed his eyes, trying to calm his mind and trying not to look in pain at the same time.

"Alright team, mission. You will need to re capture the joker. He escaped Arkham and this time he has Deathstroke with him and Bane." Batman said.

Dick froze, his major migraine stopped and his body seemed to shiver at the mention of his name. "Who?" Dick asked, his voice shook and he bit his lip. His migraine came back full force, causing him to grunt and hold his head. "Please tell me your joking, Bats." Dick declared.

"I'm not, Nightwing. You will need to take him down and bring him in."

He chuckled. "Easier said than done, I'm afraid. He is the deadliest assassin and he wants me. Not the greatest idea to just throw me to him, Bats."

"But you won't be alone, Nightwing. You'll have us with you." Wally stated, bumping into their conversation.

"Yeah, like that makes it any better." He shot coldly. "And keep your voices down." He deadpans. He could feel the questioning Aura around him, but Batman was faster to talk.

"You are going as a team and you are going to take them down. Now whatever you guys do, do not fight any of them one on one. You stay as a team. Got it?" Bruce glared at them and they all answered except for dick. He didn't want to go. His migraine would get in the way of everything and his mas- Deathstroke would know of it. After all he was the one who created the serum.

Dick glared at his odds and instead of fighting it, he nodded. "Fine." He said before walking towards his room to change into his Nightwing outfit.


He sat at the desk, tapping his hands away like a bored rat, studying his odds. Bane and Joker both were in the other room when Joker entered.

"Seems The Bat is sending the Kiddy League out for us." Joker laughs.

"Renegade will be with them, but it isn't my chance to take him, no. He isn't Broken yet." He stood from the chair and lowered his mask on his face. "I shall not be shown. Seeing My protégé shake at my name was enough. I will be seeing him soon. In the meantime, if you want to win, use this." He dropped a metal cylinder object into the phsycopath's hand. "It will get both Superboy and Renegade down. After that they shouldn't be too hard to beat. Tell Renegade I said hello and tell him times running out. His good will run out eventually. You need me, you know where to find me." Deathstroke says, disappearing out of the room.

The Joker smirked. "Ah, Games. How I love to play with people minds! Hahah!" Joker tossed the object and smirked as he left the room as well.

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