Chapter 26

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*One week later*

Wally and Artemis were arguing, but what else was new in Mount Justice? It was a typical day for the teens as they lied around on the couches talking and arguing about stupid stuff. Reminiscing about old times. Dick wasn't in the circle, which made them feel like they were doing something normal. That may sound a little harsh, but they had to deal with leaving the circle small since for three years there was always that one missing.

"I don't think you're stupid, I know you're stupid." Artemis says, a triumphant smile present on her face.

"Wow, and I don't think you're full of ego, I know you're full of ego. It's written all over your body!" Wally says, folding his arms. M'gaan laughed at the stupid fight they were having as well as Kauldur. But Kauldur had other things on his mind. It's been about a week since Dick has come to the mountain and the unsettled his stomach. No one else seems to be that worried. Well except Wally but he doesn't show it.

"I'm going to punch you!" Artemis shouted.

"Bring it Blondie!" Wally shouted, now standing up while Artemis did as well. Just before they could fight, the zeta beams went off, announcing the arrival of Batman, The flash, Red Hood, black Canary and martian man hunter.

They all turned around to see them have a look of shock and sadness mixed into their faces. That was never a good sign.

"Hey look the big JL is here!" Wally says, not really catching the mood of the room.

"We need your help." Red hood said, stepping forward after they've stopped.

"Oh sure, is it a mission?" Artemis asked.

"A very important one." Batman said. "Two days ago, Dick went missing."

That stopped all of them, making Wally almost stop breathing. "What do you mean Dick went missing?!" He demanded.

"I went to go check on him because he was being a little to quiet and i hadn't seen him in a day or so. When I went up to his room, his door was cracked, so I peaked in and turned on the light and it looked as though a fight was put up but Dick lost. His lamp was across the room, books and picture frames scattered across the floor,a window was shattered and a rope with a hook was the only thing left behind." Redhood spoke, sparing Batman from saying it himself.

"By the sounds of it he put up a fight, so it can't have been Deathstroke. He freezes everytime he hears or even thinks of his name." Conner spoke, grabbing hold of M'gaans hand.

"Which is why we need your help." Canary says. "We don't know where he is, but a few audio files that were on the sim card of the tablet Deathstroke had kindly given batman, gave a good clue on who took our bird."

"We are in suspense, who took him?" A Artemis says.

"I'm sorry, Artemis, but we believe it was Sportsmaster." Batman says, making Artemis freeze up slightly at her dad's code name. Everyone seemed just as shocked as her to find this out.

"Sportsmaster is behind this? That doesn't make any sense." Wally says.

"Bruce he's right, this doesn't connect at all." Kauldur says, stepping forward and into the conversation.

"Maybe not, but I do know one thing." He looked over at the computer and mentally sighed. "You deserve to know what we found. I know you guys can pick up something I might have missed." Bruce says. Jason about dropped dead of a heart attack hearing Bruce say that. He was now worried. Not for Dick at the moment, but for Bruce and the way hes acting. It's just like the first time Dick went missing. He's forgetting stuff. It at least that's what Jason thinks.

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