Chapter 38

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They stayed quiet in the apartment, staying close to wall when they heard it. The sounds of peoples footsteps. Dick could feel his breathing come to a stop as the footsteps neared the place they were hiding.

  "They aren't here, Bats. Maybe they bailed." A familiar voice said.

  "They are here, Diana. I know it." Bruce said. "They can't always be one step ahead of us."

  "Maybe they are. You did raise both of them. Come on, lets try the next abandoned complex. Its the last on the list." Wonder woman said, walking out of the room. Bruce sighed, before following silently out of the room. They waited for another fifteen minutes before they deemed the coast to be clear and crawled out of the floor boards.

  "That was waaaay to close for comfort." Jason said, helping Dick and Kayla out of the floor.

  "Thats the fourth time they have run into us since we left." Dick said, scratching the back of his head.

  "I know. They are getting desperate on finding us." Roy said, dusting off his pants.

  "I get that you guys are running from... uh... the justice league, I just don't understand why." Kayla said, shaking the dust out of her hair.

  "Dick wasn't trusted there. They may have acted friendly and everything, hut they didn't trust him at all and it wasn't healthy for Dick to be there." Jason explained, reaching down to grab the duffle bags and back packs filled with supplies. "Now that we know they are getting smart about searching apartments, we need to find another place to hide." He explained.

  "I have a place. In the forest there's a summer house that is never used. We could live there for a month or two before we have to move again." Kayla said, bending down to grab the duffle bag and throw it over her shoulder. "Its only used for rich people who come to Gotham, so its always locked up and abandoned. Its where I used to hide before I was kidnapped by that evil snake."

  "It could be worth a shot." Dick suggested, grabbing the backpack that Roy handed him.

  Jason sighed. "Its the only place we have right now. Roy, take them to the motorcycles across the street, I need to grab the guns in the other room." He said. Roy groaned, but didn't protest, guiding them down the stairs and outside. He ushered them across the streets to the motorcycles, checking to see if they had enough fuel. Dick stumbled slightly, when he walked, unaware of where they were.

  He could feel Jason's presence slowly growing stronger until he heard the small pants of the older man. "Got em. Lets get going."

"We have half tanks, but we should refuel before leaving." Roy explained.

  "Alright, gas station run it is." Jason said, getting on his motorcycle. He helped Dick on, helping him clasp his waist. Roy did the same thing, although they both looked rather uncomfortable clinging to each other.

  Jason only smirked and started his motorcycle, before speeding onto the Gotham streets. Dick still wasn't used to the way the Motorcycle felt, nearly scaring him since he couldn't see. He buried his face in Jason's jacket.

  They rode for another fifteen minutes before stopping to refuel, before hitting the road again. The ride was long and quiet as they were on a dirt road in the forest, heading up the hill that Kayla directed. Dick could feel his butt going numb because of the numerous bumps they were hitting.

  By the time they made it to the house, it was midnight and Dick was beyond exhausted.

  "This is rather large, but it'd work. Its a good ways away from Gotham." Jason said.

  "I would ask to borrow your eyes, but i'm exhausted." Dick huffed, rubbing his eyes.

  "Borrow... eyes?" Kayla questioned.

  "Its one of the perks from Deathstrokes stupid serums." Dick complained, too tired to register what he was really saying. Jason could tell he was becoming like the old Dick... or as he was when Bruce told his stories.

  Roy chuckled. "Come on, lets go inside."

  "There  aren't any alarms, so a lcokpick and we should be in." Kayla said.

  Jason nodded at that as they walked up to the massive mansion. It reminded him of Bruce's manor, just more full of glass windows and white. Roy was the one who opened the door and they walked in, taking a look at the inside. It was filled with new looking furniture and glass chandeliers, with marble topped counters and wooden tables.

  "Damn, talk about luxury." Jason said.

  "Cool. Its luxurious. Can we go to bed now?" Dick asked.

  Roy chuckled. "I guess. We will do some more exploring, but right now, bed seems like a good option." He said. Dick nodded and kicked off his converse before collapsing on a long, white piece of furniture. Kayla did the same, both of them were fast asleep.

  "This seems like a good place to spend for a while." Jason explained.

  "Yeah. It does. I just wonder how long we can actually stay here." Roy said, taking off his boots.

  "Hopefully a while."

  "Yeah, especially for those two. They've been through hell and back." Roy explained, putting his jacket on the barstools. "I just hope it gets better."

  "Don't worry. It will." Jason said back, before he stood up and stretched. "Im gonna hit the hay. You should follow soon too." Jason walked over to another piece of long, black furniture, collapsing as well. Roy sighed, looking over the sleeping forms.

  I hope we don't have to run for a good amount of time. We could really use the rest. Roy thought, before he also retired for the night.

  But for them, nothing lasts for very long.

  To be continued....

  In the next book.....

  Which should be out by tomorrow... dun dun duuuuuun....

A/N: hey guys. So Happy New years! 2017, ending the old year with The Blind Bird and starting the new year with To Mend The Broken! Which, you know! Is the sequel to this marvelous book :D hopefully I will have it up on midnight tomorrow, but you know those pesky things you call family could get in the way xD but I will try my best! Thank you for being on this journey with me, and I will see you in the next book. Love ya guys!!

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