Chapter 29

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When he woke up next, he was on a very soft bed with his blanket up to his chest. He could feel the slight pain in his wrists and the pain in his torso area as he tried to sit up on the bed he was lying on. Dick grunted when he applied pressure to his wrists, his teeth clenching as he finally sat up, leaning against the pllows and headrest. He was out of breath by doing those simple movements and that made him slightly irritated. Dick patted the bed, feeling the fabric and he concluded that he was in fact, not at the Wayne mansion. He bit his lips and felt a scab on the side of his mouth. He cursed. He hadn't realized just how much he was hurt, and that made him worry.

  Dick, with worry surrounding his features, he felt his body up and down, feeling that both of his wrists were bandaged and his ankles were wrapped as well. He huffed. He didn't realize he was this bandaged up, not to mention his ribs felt battered as well, which made him feel irritated even more.

  The reason why he was so angry was because of how weak he felt. He knew this trip to help keep his mind sane and to try to cope with being blind was gonna be a hard, he just didn't realize just how hard it was going to be. Dick sighed, bringing his knees up to his chest as he sat there, being a prisoner in his own mind. He despised how weak he was and how easily his captures took him. It was almost too easy. With that in mind, Dick was afraid to think how easily it could have been Deathstroke taking back his old protégé instead of those lowlife's and that sent chills down his spine.

  Dick perked up, hearing the familiar squeak of a door opening and footsteps entering the room. Dick gulped, hearing the heavy boots connect with a hard floor Dick could only assume was tile.

  "You're awake. Nice to see you sitting up." Dick knew that voice and he coulnt help a smile that crept on his face.

  "Jason? What are you doing here?" Dick asks, lying his legs out on the bed as he turned toward the similar presence.

  "Ah, you know. Checking up on a trouble maker to see how he's healin'." Jason paused, taking in Dicks appearance. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

  Dick shrugged. "I don't... well... exactly know. My wrists are in pain and my ankles too, but the worst pain of all is in my ribs area. I think with the lack of food and water i had and the fact I most likely broke a rib or two has given me time to worry about my overall well-being. Im barely holding on, Jason and that scares me. My self harming aside, I just feel so... weak. I got taken so easily and think back on how easy those dumbasses took me, made me realize how easily... he could've taken me." Dick finished squeezing the blanket in his fists.

  Jason was almost surprised to hear Dick say those words, but then again with what he's been through, he could see it. "Just because they took you doesnt mean anything. Deathstroke wont get you because you will always have us now and we will never leave your side from now on." He said.

  "What do you mean?" Dick asks.

  Jason bit his lip, slightly shrugging as to how to say this. "Well... Batman and I were talking and we think that you should be with someone at all times. Not at all times, like we will still give you privacy, but we think it'd be safer to have someone with you." Jason said, honestly.

  Dick about dropped his mouth to the floor. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He just couldn't and this made him want to tell them off, but then again, having extra protection may keep him sane. Having no choice in the matter, he sighed and lowered his head.

  "Okay... but only if they keep their distance." Dick says, glancing over to Jason's presence. "Have you... uhm... told him about my... uh... secret?" Dick asks, gulping at what he was asking. He could feel Jason's Presence switch to a more shocked one and that made Dick feel a little uneasy.

  "About you cutting yourself?" Jason asked, almost appauled at the question. Dick nodded nervously, still not wanting the answer. "Of course not! I promised to keep that between us. Thats why i had Canary bandage you up with everyone out of the room. She's the only one who knows besides me. Try to have some faith in me, Boy Wonder." He explained.

  Dick about laughed, lifting an eyebrow at Jason. "Boy Wonder, God its been forever since I've heard that name." He said.

  "It is your nickname, wear it proudly." Jason said.

  Dick cracked a smile, which almost made him feel so warm inside. "The first time I told My team that, they laughed at me and said it fit perfectly. Wally was the only one who respected it. He even tried to come up with a catch phrase." Dick chuckled.

  "Oh lord, Wally coming up with phrases and puns, end our suffering now." Jason says, sarcastically.

  Dick couldn't help but laugh, his smile and voice feeling foreign since its been quite a long time since he's laughed like that. He coughed, forgetting that his ribs were still healing. "Yeah, it was pretty bad. He was nowhere near close to anything good for Boy Wonder." He says.

  Jason smirked. "I bet." Jason glanced over, seeing Dick start to yawn harshly as his already droopy eyes, became mere slits as they fought to stay open. "Well, im gonna let you get some more rest. You seem to be still healing so I will come bother you in another few hours." He said, starting to get up.

  Dick heard his shuffle to a standing position and Dick couldn't help but get a weird ping of fear as the presence near him faded farther away.

  "Ill be just a few doors down so if you need anything, just holler, okay?" Jason asks, opening the door.

  Dick bit his lip, but nodded, still not sure if he should say anything or not. "Uhm Jason?" He said, but it was already too late. The door closed, leaving behind a silent room as he sat there. Dick wiggled down, trying not to hurt himself as he got into a comfortable Lying position. He knew rest was a major thing for the healing process, but he was slightly afraid of sleeping, mainly because of that pang of fear he felt earlier.

  Trying to put that past him, he finally closed his eyes and welcomed calming sleep, but little did he know, the night was about to get much worse for him.

A/N: Hey guys, i just wanted to say that im sorry for the maaaaajor delays in my updating. I've been swamped with College stress and homework so I've been concentrating on that, so I just want to let you guys know, ill try to update when i can, but i may be delayed a week or two, depending on the amount of free time i have. Its 12 a.m here and the reason Im writing so late, is because i know this is the only free time im gonna be getting for today and tomorrow. Mainly because i plan to sleep in til 9 or 10, since my class isn't until 11:20. I love you guys and thanks for staying patient with me. Also I've reach 36k in reads which is amazing! Thank you guys for the support. Love yall and goodnight. Ill try to post this weekend, but no promises ♡ °3°

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