Chapter 37

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"Does anyone else feel weird about shopping out in public like regular people?" Roy finally asked, when they were down the chip isle in Walmart.

  Jason smirked as he glanced back at him, reaching for potato chips. "We need some supplies. Plus nobody ever checks a Walmart. I doubt we will run into the Young Justice or even the justice league."

  "I still feel weird." Roy mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

  "Also I taught Jason how to override Batman's hard drive so they wont be able to have eyes on all cameras for about another hour." Dick said, keeping his hand on Jason's shoulder so he didn't run into isles. He was pretty good at detecting actually humans, but inanimate objects, not so much.

  "Well that does take care of that problem, but we are dressed like thugs... well not really Dick, but you and me certainly are. All eyes go to us with every isle we go down." Roy said to Jason. He was right. Jason was in black pants that contained multiple pockets, and a black skin tight shirt. He had on a brown leather Jacket with combat boots. Roy was in Black loose jeans and black boots, his shirt was red and loose on him, while his black jacket hung down like a thight trench coat.

  Dick on the other hand was in black skinny jeans, converse and a black hoodie that hung off his frame like a dress since it was Jason's. Being sixteen, Dick was tall, but still skinny, so most clothes that he borrowed from the two boys still hung off of him like bags.

  "You have a point, but the sooner we get this done, the sooner the anxiety will leave, Roy." Jason said, turning to the next isle.

  "How did you even get the money to pay for all of this?" Roy asked, looking over the shelves that held gronola bars and nuts.

  "We stole some money from Bruce's bank account. I am his technically son, so I got us about 5,000 dollars." Dick explained. Roy seemed impressed, but knew Dick was smarter than everyone he knew. Sometimes Roy even thinks he is smarter than Batman as times.

  "Alright, I think we have what we need. Lets go." Jason explained, walking behind an old couple that give them a weird look.

  Dick nodded and held onto Jason's shoulder, but a familiar presence, one that he hasn't felt in months. Pausing in the isle, he felt Jason's shoulder leave his grasp but he was to mesmerized by the presence to realize he lost the two boys. Turning around, he felt the presence grow stronger and his invisible smile that had been hidden for so long, finally appeared on his face when he smelt a familiar perfume.

  "Kayla?" He asked, feeling the presence become right next to him.

  "You look like shit." She spoke, taking in his appearance.

  "I'd compliment you but im unaware of how you look now." Dick said.

  "Well I havent changed. Look about last time we met, I'm sorry for punching you in the stomach. I needed to get away from you before you know who found us." Kayla explained.

  "You got away from there?" Dick asked, almost dumbfounded.

  "It took a lot of thinking, but yeah. I did." She explained. "I saw you walk in here with two other guys. Where are they?" She asks.

  "Oh... uhm... I actually don't know." Dick explained, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

  "Well lets go find them... and is it okay if I go with you guys? I dont feel safe alone out there." She grabbed onto his elbow, making him slightly blush.

  "We will have to talk about it with them, but most likely yes." Dick and Kayla walked out of the isle and he waited for her to say she spotted them, but it took them around 10 minutes before Dick finally felt their presence.

  "Found them." Dick said before she could.

  "How did you know?!" She asked, a hint of shock in her voice.

  "I can sense presence. Sometimes they are strong and sometimes they aren't." Dick explained.

  "Dick there you are! We thought soemthing happened to you!" Roy shouted, raching to grab his arm, but froze when he saw the girl standing their. "Who are you?" He asks.

  She took a minute to figure out how to answer, but decided to go for the truth. "My name is Kayla. I was captive with Dick and I managed to escape. I saw him go in here and followed you guys." She explained.

  Jason took in her story and he nodded. "I think I remember you being one of Batmans missions but he failed it because he found out Deathstroke had you." Jason explained, a wave of guilt going through him when Dick flinched at the name.

  "I was. But when I escaped, I was scared, but then I found Dick and was kind of wondering if maybe I can run with you guys for a while." She asked, her voice slowly growing small.

  Jason pondered it for a moment but then nodded. "Sure, we'd love a new edition."

  "Woah, hang on! We can't trust her so easily." Roy cut in, grabbing Jason by the forearm.

  "And why not?" He asked.

  "Because we are trying to stay under the radar. Isnt she wanted by both Deathstroke and the Justice league?" He asked.

  "Isn't Dick?" Jason shot back, making Roy shut his mouth at that. Jason nodded contently before turning to her. "You can stay with us as long as you help out." He said.

  A smile grew on her face, but a hint of guilt was in her eyes, something only Roy seemed to catch onto. "Great! I will help out anyway I can." She shot, putting her hands on her hips.

  "Alright its settled then, now lets get out of here before we cause more of a scene." Jason said. Thats when they noticed a few people were watching the confrontation with confusion and shock. They just checked out and rushed to the car, not looking back at the people of Walmart.

A/N: HEY GUYS!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!! HOPE YOU ARE ALL HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY/NIGHT!  I KNOW I AM!!! also sorry for the late update ;^; been really busy lately!!! But heres the chapter :D (also I drew a picture for you guys up top! Its Tracer from Overwatch :) enjoy!!!)

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