Chapter 35

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A/N: OhMyGoooood!!! Did you guys hear?! They are doing a season 3 of Young Justice!!!! It was confirmed 0^0 My soul can be complete!!! Also they are thinking of doing a season 4 of Avatar the last airbender. Like... what happened after the war! Guys, my childhood! Anyway, back to the book xD Also HAPPY THANKSGIVING :D

  *One Month Later*

  Jason sighed, plopping down next to the fireplace. He glanced left to see Dick who was sleeping, his body covered in a blanket and his head resting on Roy's lap.

  Its been a month since they all left Mount Justice, and now they were hiding out, trying to stay off both of their radars. Deathstroke wasn't pushing, which made the run a little easier, but also stressful because they knew Deathstroke could show up anytime. The justice league and young justice were hunting them down hard, which only made it harder for Dick and them to hide.

  "You ever going to go to bed, Jason?" Roy asked, still leaning up against the wall, rubbing a hand through his own red hair.

  "I would, but im on watch, why aren't you asleep?" Jason shot back fixing his sitting position so that he was leaning against the wall on the side of the floor.

  "To be honest, sleeping isn't very easy to do when you are constantly on the run." Roy explained, looking down at the sleeping Bird. He looked so peaceful and yet so vulnerable just lying there, which made Jason and Roy to smile sadly at the poor, broken bird.

  "I guess I can agree with you on that." Jason said.

  "He's been through so much. Being kidnapped, tortured and backstabbed by the people he cared so much for. I mean physically hurting someone, they can just get over it, but taking away their sight and toying with them to make them mentally unstable is something hardly anyone can get over." Roy explained.

  "Like I've told you, Roy, he is stronger than anyone I know." Jason explained. He yawned, making Roy yawn as well. Both of them were exhausted, but neither of them wanted to admit it.

  But as both of them continued talking, eventually both of them drifted off to sleep. Roy was on Jasons, should and Jason was lying his head on Roy's when Dick woke up. He could sense they were close and he couldn't help but smile.

  Waking up was still hard for Dick. His ribs still hurt and his wrists were still aching, but Dick was happy to know that his cuts he self inflicted have started to heal nicely. Ever since he left the mountain, he hasn't had the urge to harm himself. Jason and Roy think its because he was vulnerable there, but now he was on the run and everything felt new. He felt like a new person.

  "Jason?" Dick called out in a whisper. That startled both of them out of their slumber, and when they saw how they slept, both blushed bright red and jumped apart with a squeal, causing Dick to raise an eyebrow. "I didn't scare you awake did I?" Dick asked.

  Jason, still in shock, cleared his throat. "Uh... no, what? Sorry, what did you need Dick?" He asked, standing up to regain his posture. Roy did the same.

  "Oh, I'm hungry and wanted soemthing to eat." Dick said. "I don't know where anything is in this place, so I need help." He asked, standing up to fix his overly to big sweater and loose Jeans.

  He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Sure thing, let Roy take a look at your wrists." Jason said before he could feel Jason's presence start to disappear behind him.

  "Come on, Dick. Lets go take a look at those wrists of yours." Roy said, grabbing Dick by the shoulders and dragging him into a room. Dick was set down on something as he heard Roy rummage through something. Finally finding it, Roy tended to Dick's wrists.

  "Is this what you signed up for when Jason asked you to come help?" Dick asked, breaking the silence.

  He felt Roy tense for a minute, but then continued unwrapping Dick's injured wrists. "No, but I knew that Jason needed help so I came. Its been quite an adventure, let me tell you that." He explained, taking a look st his wrists and examining them. They werent nearly as bad as when he first saw them, but they were still healing and Roy struggled with the thought of Dick still in pain.

  "Do you regret it?" Dick asked.

  Roy looked up, seeing that Dicks, Milky blue eyes were staring into his, probably not knowing he was, but Roy felt a pang of pain hit him in the chest. Does Dick feel guilty? Roy asked himself, reading Dicks expression, which showed that he was right.

  "Regret helping you? Of course not. Its what I do, I help out people." Roy paused mid wrap, and sighed. "Truth is, I think I feel bad that I left the Young Justice. I mean I know I left on my own, but looking back it was a stupid reason for leaving. I could've helped you out 4 years ago when you were kidnapped. I didn't even know you were gone until s year and a half after when Jason tipped me off. So if you feel guilty for bringing me with you guys on the run, dont. We all have stuff we carry, okay?" Roy said, continuing the wrapping on Dicks right wrist.

  Dick sat there silent, his mind reeling over what Roy had said. Once his wrists were bandaged, Jason came in with a bag of food, and Dick could smell it before he even entered.

  "You got Chinese food?" Dick asked.

  "I didn't feel like cooking. Got a problem with it?" Jason asked dropping the food on the half broken counter.

  "No, I just didn't expect it." Dick admitted, standing up and walking over to the counter, feeling for the bag. Jason snorted.

  "Sit down, ya blind bat. I will get it for you." Jason joked.

  Dick glared. "Listen here you big nosed idiot! I may be blind but I don't take orders from a big oaf like you!"

  "Big Oaf?! How do you even know I have a big nose? You can't see my face!" Jason scoffed, grabbing for his nose defensively.

  "Just because I am not able to see, doesn't mean I'm not observant! I've felt that thing, not as small as you would like to think." Dick smirked, folding his arms.

  "The kids not wrong. Your nose is big." Roy jumped in, smirking.

  Jason blushed. "Wha? Is this gang up on Jason day? Jesus Christ just sit down and eat. Before I make you." Jason threatened.

  Roy and Dick just laughed, before sitting down on the some chairs they found throughout the abandoned apartment.

  As Dick ate, he couldnt help how happy he was. He hasn't  felt this alive in a while, and frankly he was loving every minute of it.



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