Chapter 28

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A/N: I know, its weird for me to put a note at the beginning,  but i want your opinion. I liked harley in suicide squad, but i didnt at the same time because she wasnt the one i grew up with xD i semi liked joker too, anyone else feel me? I want to talk about this so comment below, anyway, back to the story!!


  Dick felt himself being pulled up by his bicep, but his limbs were so weak that even he didnt fight when they grabbed him. He coughed, feeling his stomach crunch to the uneasy feeling of being moved. He felt his feet dragging behind him as they moved him from concrete to something colder. Metal. Dick cursed silently and tried to listen for something that would give away who it was that moved him.

"Has any word come from Bruce?" The assailant says.

  Dick couldnt pick up the voice, starting to get frustrated. Thats when he felt something to his throat, something thin and sharp. His breath caught in his throat and his body seemed to freeze. He hasn't felt this threatened in a long time and he couldn't seem to grasp onto the thought yet.

  "Why don't i just end his misery? Bruce obviously doesn't want the brat." The assailant says, pressing harder as he draws blood. Dick flinched, making the man chuckle.

  "Someones scared, but those blind eyes of yours seem to be making you more scared than you should be. Right, Dick Grayson?" He asks, leaning in more to the teenager.

  "How do you know... how do you know im blind?" Dick asks, his voice showing fear.

  The man chuckled. "I knew when i kidnapped you. You struggled to search for something to throw at me. Its no wonder its taken this long. Your blind, so Bruce doesn't want anything to do with you."

  Thats not true... is it? Is that why he's been acting distant towards him a little bit? He wouldn't even tell Dick about those files. He always tells Dick about files he finds. Just then Dick could feel the knife go slightly deeper, making him flinch.

  "No one will ever want a blind man back. You are just a liability." Dick could feel his fear turn to worthlessness. Was everything this man was saying true? Dick thought to himself.

  Just then, the knife was off of his throat and a clash came second, making Dick jump at the metal hitting the floor. He rolled slightly to the side, and about flooded with relief. He knew that presence all too well, and glad to say, he was happy to feel the others as well.

  Dick heard grunting, but he couldn't place on who was winning. Dick felt some liquid go down his collar bone, which meant his neck was still bleeding. He hated that feeling. He had it once before, way back when he wasn't kidnapped by Slade and he hated it then too.

  "That was easier than i thought." He heard Wally say. Wally glanced at Dick and saw that he was bleeding slightly and he had a few bruises on his face and one split lip. Despite all of that, he saw the look of relief and semi happiness on his face. That lit his smile as well.

  "Conner, come help me." Wally called, walking over to Dick. Instead of Conner stepping up, Jason did and walked over to help sit him up. Dick slightly panicked, but then remembered who it was and relaxed. Jason sighed in relief and glanced back at Dicks cuffed hands and his eyes bulged. Dicks wrist was still bandaged, but it was coming loose and his wrists looked badly bruised and bleeding from the struggle.  He couldnt really let the rest see it, so he took off his jacket and placed it over his shoulders.

  "Hey guys, can you go tell Batman weve got him and start the ship?" He asks.

  All of them nodded and started to walk away. Well... all except Wally. "Kf you too." He states.

  "Im useless on the ship. I need to help get Dick on there anyways." Wally says.

  Jason sighed. "Can you at least give me a minute?"

  Wally lifted a brow but then nodded as he sped over to the crew. Jason looked over at Dick who was looking at him with milky blue eyes. "What was that?" Dick asks.

  Jason glanced to make sure they were all busy and then grabbed Dick's shoulder, not missing the boy flinch at contact. "Your bandage is coming off on your wrist and you bruised and slashed them when you were struggling. I know you don't want them to see how broken you are, so i distracted them from your body." Jason whispered.

  Dick couldn't help but let a smile escape his lips. "You were protecting me. Thank you." Dick says.

  Jason smiled, new to the feeling he had in his stomach. The feeling of family. The feeling of having someone to worry about. After dying and being brought back, he can tell he was colder to people. He killed people and now, being a big brother figure to Dick, has brought back some of his old self and he enjoyed the feeling.

  "Your welcome. Shall we go?" He asks, reaching behind Dick to lockpicked the cuffs off. "Make sure to hide your wrists in my brown jacket. Its a perfect fit for you so hide them."

  Dick nodded and put the jacket on properly over his pj's and smiled. "Thanks Jason." He says.

  Jason stood up and helped Dick to his feet. "When we get you patched up and everything, you wanna go grab lunch with me tomorrow? Just us. And we can also go to a movie. Lets just have a normal day, away from everyone. Maybe that will help brighten your day." Jason said as they started walking.

  Dick didn't look at Jason, his eyes half opened as he nodded. "I'd like that." He whispered, before Wally rushed over and smiled.

  "Good to see your on your feet. Shall we?" He asks, helping Dick to the Bio-ship.  Dick was being guided because as much as he hated to admit it, he couldn't direct himself around today. He was glad to have them by his side. As they entered the Bio-ship, Jason temporarily bandaged his neck and wrists with no one around and Dick fell asleep in the chair. No one bothered to disturb him as they quietly and happily flew to the mountain.

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