Chapter 34

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Jason marched into the medical bay, anger eminent on his face. He slammed the door behind him and ripped Roy out of Dick's grasp. Dick flung back, confused at the whole situation at hand. He only felt Roy's presence leave him.

  "You knew didn't you?!" Jason shouted. "You knew they were spying on us and you didn't bother to tell me?!"

  "I was going to but Bruce kept me on a careful watch." He explained.

  "Dammit. I cant trust anyone here." Jason grunted out, still holding Roy's jacket. A brilliant idea popped into Jason's head and he turned to see Dick, who was still confused. He looked back at the camera and calculated how long it would take to get Dick out of here.

  After deciding he grabbed a throwing knife from his pants and flung it at the camera in the room. "Listen, we don't have much time. Help me get Dick out of here." He shouted, rushing over to grab Dick who, for being 16, was surprisingly light.

  "Why are we leaving?" Dick asks.

  "The young justice and Bruce spied on you, Dick. They didn't trust you and now they know everything." At those words, Dick grew dangerously pale. His eyes starting to tear up as he thinks over what Jason had said.

  "Come on, Roy. Grab some bandages and stuff, meet me outside. We are taking my motorcycle, catch up when you can." He says.

  "Got it." Without another exchange, Roy set out on what Jason asked for as he rushed to his motorcycle. Jason was desperate to get him away from here, but they had different plans. He wasn't surprised when he heard the zeta beam start to blow up with names, all he did was rush out of the door, hoping no one saw them slip out. He rushed to his motorcycle and set Dick down so he was standing on shaky legs.

  "Can you hold on to me, Dick?" Jason asks.

  Dick, even though he was reeling in shock, nodded as he climbed on with Jason. He buried his face into jason's shoulder blades, everything coming to him all at once. But he didnt have time to think when something blurred past them. Dick felt a familiar presence, but he didn't want to look up. He could only hear what and who it was.

  "You can't leave with him." Wally said.
  "Get out of my way, Wally." Jason warned. Thats when it happened. An arrow shot at Wally's back, shocking the speedster as he fell to the ground.

  "Im sorry, but Dick needs to be away from you guys. Don't call yourselves heroes if you cant wven protect the damn person who keeps it together." Jason spat and rode behind Roy, who sped off into the road.

  Dick looked back, feeling his team and Bruce standing there, staring at them. Thats when it hit him. They didnt trust him. They knew. They knew everything Dick desperately tried to keep hidden. With that in his mind, Dick started sobbing into Jason's jacket. Deathstroke won this battle, and Dick could clearly hear his heart finally breaking in two.

*Bat cave*

  After the confrontation, they were all shocked at the mans anger. They heard a loud bang and all of them flickered to the screen to see Jason rip Roy out off Dick's hands. That caught all their attention.

  "You knew didn't you?!" Jason shouted. "You knew they were spying on us and you didn't bother to tell me?!"

  "I was going to but Bruce kept me on a careful watch." They heard Roy say, looking completely paralyzed.

  "Dammit. I cant trust anyone here." Jason grunted out, still holding Roy's jacket. They saw him debate something as he looked around the room.

  "Whats he doing?" Aqualad asked, stepping forward.

  In a swift movement something was thrown at the screen and the camera sputtered out of life and went completely black. Bruce was shocked beyond measures, but Wally snapped him out of it, or well..  the Zeta Beams did.

  "Follow Wally. Who knows what Jason has planned." Bruce instructed, leaving the Bat cave with the rest of them. When he entered, the cave was surprisingly dark and he heard someone rummaging through some supplies. He rushed to the medic bay, seeing that an air vent was open and Dick was missing from his bed.

  Thats when he heard it. The sound of two motorcycles roaring in the distance. He rushed to the sound, seeing that everyone else was doing the same. When Bruce was outside he saw Wally go down, all of them shocked at what they were seeing.

  "Im sorry, but Dick needs to be away from you guys. Don't call yourselves heroes if you cant even protect the damn person who keeps it together." They heard Jason spat, and watched as he sped off behind Roy's motorcycle. They lurched forward, helping Wally get to his feet. As they did, they looked up, seeing Dick's blue and misty eyes before he looked away, burying his face in Jason's shoulder blade as they turned a corner.

  "What are we doing?! We have the Bioship! Lets go after them!" Connor shouted.

  "Connors right! Lets go!" M'gaan says, ready to rush off to her ship, but was cut short.

  "No." Bruce concluded. "We have to think this out. No one leave." He chomped his jaw and brooding-ly walked back into the mountain, leaving the young justice stunned beyond belief.

  "Bruce is right. Jason is cunning, and knows how to outrun us. We need to think this through." Kauldur explains.

  "But what about the tracker in Dick's arm?" Artemis asks.

  Kauldur grunted, looking to where they disappeared. "It means we won't be the only ones hunting them."

A/N: Hey Guys! Yes it is a chapter update! Sorry for it being so short and slow updating! But at least you have a new chappie!! XD I also have some sad, yet good news. I dropped out of my fall semester because of my medicalness stuff, so I wont be in college until spring. The good news is that I get more time to update :D haha, hope you guys like the chapter! <3 Lurv ya!!!

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