Chapter 5

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Robin snuck around the building, keeping on his tippy toes. He didn't exactly know where he was going, but he used what Deathstroke taught him and followed the scent and the Aura. The others went opposite ways and very skeptical about letting Robin go alone.

Robin finally made it to the strongest aura and he heard the familiar laughter.

"The boy Blunder?" Joker asked, amused. "I thought you were with good ole deathy!" He says.

"I used to be. Not anymore!" He says and throws a birdarang towards Joker. Even though he couldn't see, he still had very amazing aim.

"Owe! That actually hurt. Hitting a man while he's not paying attention is cheating!" The Joker glared. The team reared the corner just as the Joker rushed towards Robin.

Robin, with his hearing, jumped to the left and grabbed for the Jokers leg, flipping him and then landing him on the ground, swiftly he grabbed Jokers hand and brought it up on his back. The Joker was detained and the team stared in awe.

The Joker just laughed. "Oh boy, seems the little bird has caged me. Tell me, has Deathy taught you that?" He asked, loud enough for the team to hear.

"Shut up." Robin glared.

"Why not kill me like all those other poor, helpless victims you went after?"

"Shut up."

"Or how about I treat you like the caged bird you are."

"Shut up!"

"Ohhh! How about we play that game Deathy made up. Which ever one you don't shoot it's a whip to the back. Did you enjoy that one?"

"STOP IT!" Robin grabbed his ears, tears starting to leak into his eyes. Before Robin could even feel the movement, Joker turned around, grabbing Robin by the throat as he was pressed to the ground. That was when the team snapped out of their funk and rushed in.

"Seems you aren't as fixed as you pretend to be to those dear old friends of yours, Boy Blunder." The Joker whispered, before being tackled to the ground laughing. Robin shot up in a sitting position and recollected himself. He could feel the teams stares at him but Robin just wiped his eyes and stood up.

"Hey man, you okay?" Wally asked.

Robin didn't say anything and instead, went the direction he came from, feeling for the correct way. Once Robin was out of sight, the team looked at each other.

"You don't know how broken the Boy Blunder really is, do ya kids?" Joker laughed, but Connor restricted him more. "He... Is.. More broken than me! Slade sure knows how to break a child! Ha-ha!" He said.

"ENOUGH!" Connor punched Joker which knocked him out cold. The team stared in silence.

"We really don't know how broken he is." Artemis says lowly.

They all sighed, thinkibg about what Joker was saying and Robin acted.

****Line Break****

The ride from Gotham back to Mount Justice was quiet. Robin was curled in on himself and was in his own mind. Everyone else kept shooting worried glances at the boy until they reached Mount Justice. Batman greeted them when they entered the main room of the Mountain.

Robin didn't quite feel them stopping, his mind wandered to what Joker was saying.

Why not kill me like all those other poor, helpless victims you went after?

He didn't have a choice when he started out. It was either them or the team. Deathstroke knew how to get to the team so Robin had no choice but to kill innocent people just to keep his Master entertained.


Deathstroke dropped the gun in Robins hand and smirked. "Now Renegade, it is your chance to entertain me." He says.

Robin could barely focus. His vision was so bad and he could hardly make out any shapes. But he could tell their was movement. "What am I supposed to do?" He asked, little attitude in his voice.

"One, drop the attitude, two, you are gonna shoot these fine people and kill them." He deadpans.

"What?!" Robin squeaked.

"You are gonna shoot them. If you don't I will whip you." He says, seriousness creeping into his voice.

"I'm not gonna do it! Whip me all you want!" He heard muffled cries which meant the people were gagged. That made Robin mad.

"You will shoot them. They are your enemies." He says. Robin still refused to shoot them and that's when a sickening scream filled the area. It was coming from Robin as he slumped to the ground. A whip whacked at his back, causing him to cower in pain.

"Get up and shoot them!" Deathstroke snapped.

"Nnn... No!" He shouted.

Another whip.

"If you don't shoot them, I'll have no choice but to shoot your teammates." That made Robins body freeze.

"You... Don't... Know their identities." Robin says, panting as his back was filled with white hot fire.

"I do." Deathstroke bent down with a smirk. "Wally West, Artemis Crock, Kauldur 'ahm. I can go on, and on." He says. "All I ask is that you shoot these four people and I will let you go to your cell" he says.

Robin was on thin thread, but he knew who mattered most. He stood on shakey legs, lifting his hand. He could hear the muffled cries from the victims. He closed his eyes and shot, stumbling back.

"Nice shot! Directly in the head! Come on. Three more, Renegade." He says.

Robin took a shakey breath and in a brief second, he felt a strange rush go through him.

He pulled the trigger, shooting three more times, before collapsing on the floor.

*end of flashback.

"Robin?!" Robin jumped and looked over to feel Batman looking at him with concerned eyes and aura. Robin gulped.

"Sorry. I was thinking about soemthing.... How long have we been landed?" He asked, unfolding his feet from his chest.

"About 15 minutes. Are you sure you are okay?" He asked.

Robin forced a nod and smile. "I'm fine. Just a bad memory..." He says. "Let's just drop it and go back to the batcave."

"If that's what you want. I finished your new outfit so you don't have to keep dressing in the clothes Deathstroke gave you." Batman said, but Robin barely heard it. The only thing on his mind was the helpless victims that he thought he buried deep in his dark mind.

How could I have done it... Why am I even here? Robin thought, the whole way to the Zeta tube.

A/N: I know I'm horrible xD but hey, it's an update! Plus I'm not gonna be able to update until after the 25 because I have preparations to do before Fan X next week! So I'll be back on by then. I'm gonna update my other book and then voila! Let me know what you think of this chapter!!!

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