Chapter 4

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It's been about a week since Robin returned. He has finally fit back in, talking to the group, catching up and what not, but his whole mind was elsewhere these past two days. He would find himself being distant and everytime his head hurt or he felt sick, he would not tell them. He doesn't trust anyone even though he knows he should.

Everyone else has seen it as well. Robin would walk away from a conversation or stay in the back. He has been on edge over the smallest noises sometimes jumping without noticing. The team felt guilty for not keeping up the search but they could never tell them they stopped. It would break him.

Robin was sitting in the main room, his hands fiddling with a batarang as he tossed it about. He didn't know what to do. All he could think about was what on earth is going on with Deathstroke. Was he out searching for him? Would he run into him one day?

"Hey, Robin. Batman wants us in the debriefing room. It's a mission." Kauldur explained. Robin nods and puts the batarang back into his new utility belt and walked into the debriefing room, seeing the rest of the team there. He could feel concerned eyes on him, but he kept his head down.

"Joker got out and I'm dealing with JLA business so I need you guys to go to Gotham and capture him. Please only do that in Gotham. Don't stay too long in my city." Batman says.

"Got it!" Wally says and closes the window. He hoped up and down, doing a happy dance. "Woohoo! We getta go to Gotham!" Robins head shot up, knowing what was wrong with that statement. Gotham was where Deathstroke's laboratory was. He saw it one time before his eyesight faded to blindness. This news, made him physically sick, making him turn out the door and rush to the bathroom. He could hear the confused yells of his friends but he ignored them as he slammed the bathroom door and hunched over the toilet to empty the contents in his stomach.

He doesn't know how long he sat there, hunched over the toilet until he reached over and flushed, leaning down by the shower. He can't tell the team about this. He just can't. They won't allow him to go.

After about an hour he left the bathroom to feel everyone hovered a few feet from him. "Sorry for the scare. I think I ate soemthing bad." Robin lied, smiling.

"What do you think it was?" Artemis asks.

Robin shrugged. "I don't know. Considering I'm blind who knows what it was." Robin explained, huffing in a big puff of air.

"So... Shall we go? The bio-ship is waiting." M'gaan says, catching all their attention. Robin nodded. They left the main room and rushed towards the Bio-ship. Once on there, Robin just looked towards the window, just imagining how the veiw would look.

M'gaan bit her lip. She had a sickening feeling in her gut that made her think, Robin shouldn't come. She thought the running out was a sign. The puking Especially. Then, surprising the team, she linked their minds. All but Robins.

Should we really let Robin come with us? M'gaan asked, making them all perk up.

I was thinking the same thing. This time it was Kauldur to answer.

He is blind and he has been looking so lost these past few days. Artemis said.

But he was Deathstroke's assassin even if he was blind. I think he should be fine in this mission. He does seem to be worried about something but he is capable of fighting. I'm sure of it. Wally reminded them, looking down at his hands.

"Even though I can't see, I can sense the air. If you guys have concerns you don't have to speak in telepathy." Robin says coldly, still not taking his eyes off of the window. In his three years at the lab, he has adopted to the name and commands to everything and that even means the telepathic silence.

He sighed and thought back at his suit that was black and red which had Deathstroke's signature on it, he was still Robin. Which is why when he left he asked Batman to get him a new suit. He also asked if he could change his name. Batman complied.

"Sorry..." They all muttered under their breaths before going back to silence.

Robin stayed silent and let his mind wander to his first year he was actually allowed to be out of his jail cell. Where he was told how his life was gonna go. How his life was gonna be controlled and Robin had no choice but to follow it.


Robin was jumpy, every sound he heard made him want to yelp in fear. That was until the door creaked open and his eyes squinted. Everything was fuzzy. Literally. He couldn't make anything out. He might as well have been blind. He felt someone grip his face and heard a mischievous chuckle.

"I think you've been cowering enough. Let's get you out and training, my apprentice." He knew that voice and the words were like lava pouring into his mind.

"What?" Robin squeaked. His voice was so dry since all he's been doing lately was screaming.

"Get up. Time for training. You will be a worthy assassin. I have something that will-

"Robin?!" Soemone shouted making Robin jump out of his skin. He looked but didn't expect to see something.

"What?" He asks, his voice a little panicked. Usually when someone yelled at him, it was for punishments so he determined that voice to be Deathstroke's.

This, of course, did not slip by the other teammates as their faces fell. "We are here... Are you okay." M'gaan asked.

Robin set his face motionless, unbuckled his seat belt and stood up. "I'm fine." He shoots coldly before he walked down the opening of the Bio-ship and left the team to look after him sadly.

"-will let me know what punishments are good for you." Deathstroke says, pinching it into his skin.
Robin flinched. "If you are bad, electrocution will be the key. There will be some more soon. Shall we begin?"

*end of flashback*

Robin fitted with his wrist where the scar was and sighed as he walked. He righted himself and stopped, waiting for the team.

Never again will I be electrocuted. Robin thought. Never again.

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