Chapter 27

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*Two Days Earlier ~ Dicks Room*

Dick was hungry, but he didn't want to leave his room, feeling scared that he might get in the way of everyone or that they might get worried. So he stayed put, his knees up to his chest as he stared at the darkened room. He couldn't hear anyone downstairs, but this was a mansion they could be anywhere.

Dick sighed and slowly slid off the side of his bed, feeling for where the window is. Once his hands connected with something solid, Dick tried to pry the window open with success. He poked his head out, feeling the breeze of the Gotham air, hearing the police sirens and cars honking. He missed being able to see that. He missed being able to see the Wayne mansion.

"I miss being Robin." Dick says lowly, a single tear falling from his right eye. He sighed and walked back into the room, feeling for the bed. Once he sat down, he went back into the position he was, grabbing his still bandaged wrist for comfort.

He heard something latch onto something, making him Jump. Sitting still he tried to hear for something else, but nothing else came. Slowly and cautiously, he got back out of bed and made his way to the window, he reached for the top to close, when a hand wrapped around the boys waste, causing him to scream slightly. He wiggled and got free, clashing to the floor.

"Ye can't run, boy!" Dick heard, the voice seemingly unfamiliar to Dick. Dick stood up and stumbled before feeling the foot o his bed, knowing he was near the door. He rushed over and clasped it, opening it just a crack before he got yanked back and grown on the desk, causing some books to fall. Even though Dick was blind, he could sense their presence. He jumped forward, clapsing a metal object in his hand and threw it, but Dick heard it clash on the other side of the room a few seconds later. Which meant the man threw it. Dick gripped another metal object and threw that, but it didn't hit skin, instead, it hit the window behind the man, shattering it. Dick cursed to himself.

"Like I said, ye can't run." Dick rushed back towards the room, knowing his utility belt was there, but he barely got a few feet when a hand clasped over his mouth, causing him I jerk and fight. Something stung him in the neck and suddenly it felt tight. Which meant it was a syringe. Dicks limbs started feeling heavy and his eyes started to droop. He knew he can't fall asleep so he still fought, until the medicine finally kicked in, causing him to go limp in the mans arms.

*current situation*

Dick was trying to slide his hands out of the chains, but he could tell he cut his wrists, making it even more painful to get them out. He figured out that this was a normal kidnapping he's been through before. Deathstroke more sportsmaster were behind this. It was a couple of lowlifes doing something for a crime boss that wanted money. They didnt treat him nicely, though. The bruises on his face can attest to that.

Dick tried again to pull his hand out, but the bandage around his wrist was starting to come undone, making the slippery chain, harder to get out of. Dick cursed and rested his head on the concrete.

"Come in Bruce, look at my room." Dick whispered, his wrists pounding and his headache growing worse. It's been two days since he's eaten, so that could be a side effect of his shakey limbs. He just wanted to be back home, but he just can't get out.

*mount justice*

"Okay I think that's enough listening for right now." Wally says, standing up, about ready to topple over from sitting to long and listening to some very harsh audio files.

"I agree with him for once." Artemis says, standing up and running a hand through her hair.

"I know they are hard to listen to." Red hood said. "But we needed to show you."

Just then, Batman's glove blinked, causing him to look down and see. When he did, his face paled, or what you can see of it behind his cowl. Jason caught this and walked closer, looking over at it.

He cursed. "Dammit! Why didn't we see that?" He asked.

"I don't know." Bruce answered.

"Okay, well I'm gonna be the first to ask. What did you guys find?" Wally asks.

"Dick wasn't kidnapped by Sportsmaster nor Deathstroke. Just a couple of lowlifes who want Bruce Wayne's money. They kidnapped him to get to my money. They called agent A at the house and told him. I shouldve seen the signs."

"It's okay, we will go rescue him." Wally says.

"I'll go with you guys." Red hood volunteered.

"That works! Don't worry Bruce we will bring him back." M'gaan says, kindly.

"And about those files, are we still going to listen to them?" Kauldur asks.

"I will let you listen to them, just in case you pick up something I couldn't see before." Bruce says.

"Right, good. Now, onward team!" Wally says and speeds forward, getting ready. Everyone else did the same and they left without a moment to waste in the bio-ship.

A/N: College, am I right? That's why ive been to busy, I'm Surreh for the very, very late chapter *hangs head in shame* I will try not to be late with the next one. I promise. Love you guys, stay whelmed! <3

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