Chapter 20!

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Dick smiled as he stood by the door, eating a rib that Wally cooked up for him. Dick didn't know how much of a mess he was because he couldn't see, but by the wave of humored emotion came through, he stopped eating, glaring at them.

"What?" Dick asks.

"Uh... You got a little... Uhm... Sauce all over yourself." Wally says, staring at Dick's face.

"Well these are messy and I can't see. Anything else you guys want to laugh at?" Dick asks, glaring at them. Wally chuckled and grabbed a napkin, helping him wipe his face. Dick protested but let it happen anyway.

"There you go, bud." Wally says, throwing the napkin away. Dick rolled his eyes and blushed slightly. Setting down his plate he washed his hands and then went into the other room. He was kind of glad they didn't see him blush. He doesn't even know why he blushes. Was it the embarrassment? Was it the fact that he couldn't see it himself? Was it Wally? No... It can't be Wally.

Just thinking about it made him want to crawl under a rock and die. He plopped on the couch, defeatedly as he stared at the nothingness behind his eyes. He imagined how the area looked like, how much it had changed, but then again he wouldn't really know. Unless he used his powers, but the headache still hadn't fully went away and his cold like symptoms were starting to show by the achy feel in his skin and muscles and his body felt like a truck hit him. That rib was good, but a big mistake considering Dick wanted to throw up.

Dick heard a shuffle and his head snapped to the left, ready to fight, when the person blocked it. "Debriefing room. I have a mission." Batman says, making Dick relax slightly. He nodded and felt the others come out to follow him and he came with them. When they entered, Dick leaned against the wall for support, but everyone was to busy looking at Batman to notice Dick wasn't feeling well.

"What's the mission?!" Wally asks excitingly.

"I know I told you guys you could have today off, but I need this taken care of because I have official JLA business to take care of."

"I repeat again, the mission?" Wally asks.

Batman steps aside and points to the screen, showing a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, smiling in the picture. "This is Kayla Haze. She has been missing for the past 3 years and was spotted outside Gotham City..."

Dick tuned out into his mind when he heard that name. He knew that name. Deathstroke spoke about her being the other test subject but he has never seen her before. A sickening thought entered into his brain, making him want to puke.

".. I need you to bring her back and question her on where she has been." Batman finished when Dick entered back into the conversation.

"That doesn't sound so hard. Itll be pretty simple." M'gaan says.

Dick didn't want to go. But then again he did. He wanted to see if maybe he could talk to her alone. Feeling that everyone was busy, he used that as a way to slip away and unnoticed, rushing down the mount justice and rushed to the Zeta beams. He was engulfed in light and then he was in down town Gotham. He still had on the jacket, jeans, but now he put on a pair of sunglasses that blocked the light.

He rushed down the street, but stopped in a moment and looked around. He cursed under his breath. He didn't think this through. He didn't know who he was looking for and he wasn't sure how she looked like. He just ran out at the first thought of Deathstroke.

"Dick Grayson?" Dick turned to the sound of his voice. It sounded like a girl, but he wasn't sure.

He didn't answer.

"Dick Grayson? I know it's you." She says.

"It's me... Why?" Dick asks.

Suddenly Dick was being pulled by his jacket and slammed into a wall, his ribs screaming and his head starting to pound again. He couldn't see his assailant, but he had a good idea of who it was.

Before Dick could speak, she spoke. "Listen, Deathstroke sent me to find out where you are-"

"What?" Dick cut off, but she continued.

"I don't have much time. I blocked his audio signal for a moment. So listen. My name is Kayla or as Deathstroke calls me Shade. I am the second experiment and I came to tell you that you are what he wants. He is gunning for you and he knows all the hideouts except the ones he's never seen you in. I came to warn you that you and your team need to leave. You guys need to hide somewhere far away." She says.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Dick asks.

"Because I hate the bastard as much as you." He felt breathing on his ear and a sudden whisper. "I'm sorry about this." Dick was confused until he felt a punch to his stomach and all the wind get knocked out of him. He gasped and was laid to the floor gently. He heard her footsteps disappear in the distance before his eyes closed.

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