Chapter 3

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"When I saw Connor go down, I was distracted and Ma-Deathstroke got the upper hand. He said he liked me because of my " spunk" and said I'd be a fine body for them to pick at. So he choked me to the point I lost consciousness. I don't remember what happened after that. But I woke up in a room that stunk of blood and metal." He paused wrinkling his nose in remembrance.

He continued. "Anyway, I was chained for a month with very little visits. Until one day Mas-Deathstroke walked in and said that I was needed and that a Scientist was excited to pick at my brain." Robin says, trying desperately to cover up his mistakes with Deathstroke's name.

"Pick at your brain?" Batman asks.

"Yeah. Expierements." He says, making the whole room drop a full degree. Connor squirmed uneasily. "They chained me up and injected me with serums. They burned so much and that continued for a full year. Day after day they injected me with the same two types of serums. One was purple and the other was blue." He says.

"What did they do?" Wally asks.

"They gave me powers, although it was for a great price..." Robin says, sinking into the chair further. They were all curious but then at the same time they didn't want to say anything.

"What did they take?" Batman asked, leaning forward in his chair.

Robin let go of the breath be was holding and sighed. "The price for dabbling into that was my eyesight." He finally says. "It took my sight from me."

The room hung heavily with shock. "Your blind?" Wally asks, finally realizing why he was acting so weird.

"Yup. Blind as a bat. No pun intended." He chuckled. "Anyway after that, Ma-Deathstroke deemed me a worthy " assassin" and started throwing me on missions. He also named me Renegade if that makes any difference. Also if I failed my mission.... There would be consequences. " he shivered.

"What kind of consequences?" Batman asks, pushing forward.

"Well... He whiped me the first time I failed. Sometimes he would put me in a freezer or torture me. Sometimes electrocution was one." He says. "That's why I hissed in pain, Canary. I still have fresh whip wounds on my back. I escaped by finding a way out of the freezer and bolted down to the closest Zeta tube." Everyone let that sink in, but Robin really wanted to see everyone. He waited u til he felt the air for realization and cleared his throat.

"This may sound weird, but can I borrow someone's brain?" He asks, earning collective confused glances.

"What?" Artemis asks.

"Not literally. But I want to see you guys and I can only use someone else's mind to see." He explains.

"Use mine!" M'gaan says, shooting forward. "I can handle someone else in my mind. Do it."

Robin nodded and closed his eyes, linking his brain to hers. When the eyes opened, he saw everyone and suddenly was hit with a realization. Everyone looked older and they all looked like they were happy yet in distress.

"Wow... You guys look different..." Robin says from M'gaans mouth. He looked over at Batman and saw that he looked practically the same. "Well... Most of you anyway." He says.

He could feel the fatigue kicking in and that snapped him back to his mind, making Robin grunt and hold his head. "Are you okay? You left fast!" M'gaan asks.

He nodded, suddenly gaining a giant headache. "I'm fine. I'm still not used to doing it. I've only just recently been able to use my powers. Master never allowed me out if the jail and never let me practice." Robin explains, not knowing everyone was narrowing their eyes once again.

"Who's master?" The Flash asked, stepping into the conversation.

Robin realized his mistake and groaned. "It's Deathstroke. I keep forgetting I don't have to call him that anymore but I've been doing it for two years... It just feels normal." He says. He didn't really want to tell them that Deathstroke practically punched him or abused him in anyway for calling him Deathstroke instead of Master. Robin was scared, legit scared for his life if Deathstroke catches him saying his name instead of Master, he would kill Dick, he has the temper for it.

"Robin?" Dick snapped out of it and looked up, but he didn't expect to see anything. He could tell they were worried by the Aura that hung around the room. Was he spacing out?

"Sorry... I was just... In my uh... My mind." Robin says, bringing his knees up to his chest to shrink in on himself. He knew he looked pathetic but the thought of Deathstroke made him scared.

Batman looked at his protégé to see the Physical fear in his eyes. Everyone could sense it, but the fact that Robin looked so broken, made them all wonder what actually happened down there.

A/N: I love the comments you left and because all of you were so eager to find out what happened I'm posting this chapter :3 plus the comments made me smile when i was having a bad day so say thank you to yourself ^•^ love you guys!!!

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