surviving the apocalypse 101 (1d)

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''Erin I will not ask again, get down now or you will be late, your friends are waiting''.

''I'm going'' I snap at her.

"sorry" I quickly shout afterwards.

wow patient much. I can't blame my mum because in a matter of minute's my besties and I are going to see our Favourite band. 1D (a/n cue the fireworks). I also can't blame the fact that she's mad at me, all I do is spend her money and take the food out of the house.

And yes I am 20 living with my adoption parents um yes, Hello, Free food, Wifi and T.V, uh. Yes please. ugh, judgmental much, wow.

I ran down the stairs singing nanananananana. Hey I can't help it if i'm in a cheesy mood right now. I saw my best friends by the door waiting ''patiently''. Note the sarcasm.

''there you are lets go,''. They looked really good. Hailey was wearing a pretty blue dress and had her dark brown hair straitened wearing heels. She's short so that made her look taller.

Kaitlyn looked good too, she was wearing a short skirt and a white t-shirt that had a butterfly pattern on it. Her brown hair was in a ponytail and she wore sneakers.

I was wearing tights a green shirt and my old brown boots. My blond hair was a bit curly but flowed down my shoulders.

''let's go''. Kaitlyn shoved me out the door. I'm guessing Hailey was driving because even though kait and I can drive we are yet to get our license.

----------------at the mall ----------


''kait it's not that bad we can watch and we can wave to them'' I say trying to find the positive in it.

I started rubbing circles on her back. We missed the book signing. There can only be a certain. amount of people at a time. Hailey was being sassy and complaining to the security guard.

Watching 1D. On a bench. So close yet so far. Kill me. I want to meet them, not this, this is just sad. I may as well just go back to my computer screen and watch them on Youtube.

''I'm not standing for this I am going to see 1d whether they like it or not. Follow me''. I stand up and walked to the side of the stage. ''Get down''. I got down on my hands and knees and started crawling.

''What are you doing''. The girls finally got what I was thinking and smirks grew on their faces. We were going to sneak in. I'm a genius. Even though six hundred million other girls have thought of that (and this start to a 1D zombie book). But whatever.

''let's go'' I say.

I must have been stepped on at least a hundred of times, and kicked. My Friend Kait has a bruise on her face but it's worth it.

Surprisingly there were hardly any guards, and more surprising my friends were going along with this, they don't usually follow any of my ideas.

Before I could sneak in with my friends I heard a security guard yell. "Hey, stop" we heard running coming out way and we ran for it.

We quickly got inside and slammed the door, we kept running until we ran out of breath. I fell on the floor exhausted, feeling like vomiting.

''Now the boys need to take a break but don't worry they will be back in a few minutes''. I heard the announcer say. If they can take breaks, how come they can't sign more pictures, like, what.

''aaaaaw'' I guess the fans didn't like that idea but that was our cue, we started running again until I ran into someone. He was taller than me so it was unusual.

How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now