day 6

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Erin pov.

Before I could throw a punch I felt some one pull me off of her. My friends were holding me back. ‘’ you fucking selfish bitch, who does that’’ I screamed.

‘’My instincts kicked in, I saved myself, sorry’’. She didn’t even care that she just killed someone.

‘’I need a minute’’ I walked out of the van and sat with my back against the van. I heard my friends walk by me and sit down next to me. I was always closer with Amy then they were with her. ‘’ Now what, she killed her. Dead. Can we even trust her’’.

‘’ No we can’t, I don’t know what we are going to do next’’ Hailey said sitting beside me. She sighed.

‘’ Lou isn’t driving’’ we chuckled at my stupidity.

‘’ Well who’s gonna drive’’. Bazz said gaining an attitude.

‘’ Me,  Am’s  and I use to drive around all the time’’ I snorted.

‘’ really’’ Mal said shocked.

‘’ um yeah how do you think I got my first strike’’. The girls laughed at me.

‘’remember your second strike. On the bright side we got the place rocking so yeah’’.  Kait and I laughed at Hailey. ‘’ it’s a long story’’. Kait said patting Mall and Bazz on the back.

‘’and on my third strike if it wasn’t for my brother I would of gone to jail, because he took the blame’’. I said laughing silently and clapping.

‘’ more like you blamed it on him and he got a strike’’. We laughed harder. We looked like idiots.

‘’ Are we ready to go’’ Harry called.

‘’Yeah, Erin’s driving’’ Hailey took the keys of Lou.

‘’ what, why, does she even have a license’’.

‘’ no, but she’s less accident prone so she’s driving’’. Kait jumped in the van. I got in the driver’s seat and Harry was in the passenger’s side.

‘’ I get to drive’’ I said excitedly. He looked me up and down and put his seat belt on. ‘’ aw, I’m a good driver thank you very much’’. I acted defended.

‘’just to be safe’’ he clung on to the seatbelt. ‘’ okay I’m ready’’. I playfully slapped him. ‘’hey’’.  He put his hands up in defence.

‘’ is something wrong’’ he chuckled and shook his head at me. I took off driving down the deserted street. It felt weird without Amy but I know she wouldn’t want me to dwell on it. She was a great person. Better than me by far.

Harry put his hand on my lap breaking me out of my deep thoughts. I blushed and looked down. ‘’ Eye’s on the road’’ he screamed like he was gonna die.

 ‘’ girls can multitask. I can talk and drive at the same time. I don’t need my eyes on the road at all times. I can focus on two things at a time’’.

‘’ well sorry if I want to live’’

‘’it’s okay. Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t know any better’’. I looked through the cd’s we got a few days ago and put a big time rush cd on. I put it on love me, love me.

Me and the girls tapped our foot to the beat. I could hear Lou and Hailey making out, Niall and Kait flirting and same with Zayn and Bazz and Mall and Liam talking.

‘’ so Zack and Bazz you’re a thing’’

‘’It’s zayn’’

‘’whatever you say big boy’’ he laughed at me. ‘’ yeah’’

How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now