day 8

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I woke up to a shooting pain running through my body. ‘’Harry’’ I whispered.

‘’sh, I’m here. Don’t worry. Hey, hey take it easy’’ he helped me up in my bed. I opened my eyes. Harry was beside me. He looked worried. ‘’ where is she’’

‘’shes been locked in a room and Liam and Mallory are guarding’’.

‘’k, were is everyone else’’.

‘’ Well first you should know that hailey got shot. When she heard the bang, she came to the rescue. But she didn’t know, and she shot her’’.

‘’omg is she okay’’

‘’yeah. She got shot in the leg, she’s gonna be fine. But you, you got shot in the hip. You can’t really move. At all. Without causing extreme amount of pain to run through you that is’’. He pointed to where I got shot.

‘’ so Hailey’s fine’’


‘’okay good’’

‘’k but you need bed rest’’ he crawled into bed and put his head on my stomach. I played with his hair which seemed to calm him.

‘’ so what now, cause I’m hungry’’ he chuckled at me. ‘’ I’ll make you a sandwich’’.

‘’yay’’ I clapped my hands together making him laugh at me. I love his happy and playful side. I haven’t seen it much though.


‘’ yes and why did you say my name like that’’

‘’it sounds like I’m celebrating something but really I’m just saying your name’’. he handed me my sandwich and sat beside me.

‘’oh we need vegemite. And Harry handed me a vegemite sandwich’’ I sung the last part in tune with I come from a land down under.

‘’lovely.  I don’t like vegemite’’.

‘’ okay imagine 5 hormonal little fucks also known as us girls against 5 little scared shits’’ he looked at me strangely. Mood swing much. FUCK.

‘’I think I’m on my period’’. He gave me a stranger look. I busted out laughing. ‘’Erin’’ Kait ran up to me and started hugging me. ‘’ OMG I missed you so much’’.

‘’ You’re on your period to’’ She asked hugging me. ‘’YES’’ I said with excitement.

‘’that means Hailey too’’ we broke off our hug but laughing and giving each other looks. ‘’ okay I’m gonna go’’. Harry slowly stepped out of the room staring at us intently.

‘’get ice cream’’ I yelled. We both laughed. ‘’ooh I could go for some ice cream now’’ she walked over to the fridge and pulled out some chocolate ice-cream and two spoons. She jumped on the bed and handed me a spoon.

‘’so anything new happen when I was out for a ..’’

‘’ just one day, and nothing really happened but me and Niall had our first kiss’’ we squealed.

‘’so is he a good kisser’’ I said excitement growing in my voice. ‘’ yes’’ we squealed again.

‘’wait hold da fuck up are we eating ice cream in bed, talking about boys and squealing’’.  We looked at each other and at the ice cream. Kait threw the ice cream to the ground.

‘’never again ’

‘’agreed, hey  would there be any movies watch’’. She got up from the bed and started searching. She did a huge dramatic gasp. ‘’ I have found the note book’’. I made a dramatic gasp. ‘’ do you want me to put it in’’ she asked while setting it up.

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