day 15 part 2

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-------------------Lou’s POV-------------------

Me and the boys have been running for halve an hour now. We were all tired and had a few zombies on our trail but we didn’t care. We had one thing on our mind and we would fight a hundred zombies to protect them.

I need to make sure Hailey’s alright. If she isn’t I’m going to kill someone.

‘’Look there it is’’. Harry said pointing to the tall building. We could see Erin and Kait outside chatting. It looks like they have made up but I’m not here for that.

They looked our way and quickly ran inside. You could hear them shouting something but all we heard were loud mumbles.

When we opened the doors and it looked like they dropped everything and hid.

‘’really’’ I shouted in anger.

‘’really bitch’’. I heard Hailey shout. I followed the sound into the baby store. I looked around. I stopped at a cute little baby pink onesy. ( I know its spelt wrong, soz)

I looked at it playing with the little foot and couldn’t help but smile. I heard little sobs in the closet in the back.

I swung the door open. Hailey was in the corner in a ball. I picked her up on her feet.

‘’Let me go’’ she tried to struggle out of my grip.

‘’no now listen to me’’ I said calmly.

‘’no, let me go you asshole’’. She yelled. I tightened my grip. Fear ran over her eyes and face and she stopped struggling.

‘’I’m sorry okay’’. The fear was replaced by rage.

‘’no it is not fucking okay, you little shit. You slept with one of my best friend. Don’t you dare say it’s not your fault because it is, you could have stopped it? And guess what mother fucker, I’m pregnant. And I don’t need you’’ my voice was stern on my last sentence. He looked mad hearing that his baby didn’t need him. He should because it doesn’t.

‘’No. it does need me, and I need you. I’m so sorry that I slept with her and I know I’m an asshole but please-‘’ I felt her hand connect with my cheek and pang run threw my face, physically and mentally. ‘’ don’t you dare beg for my forgiveness’’.

-----------------Hailey’s POV--------------------

After slapping Lou it felt good. It calmed me down a bit.

He started scaring me when he kept his face turned. He didn’t move. Is breathing got deeper and he still hadn’t let me go. He looked raging.  I was  getting very afraid when he didn’t move. I felt myself getting smaller and him getting taller.

I tried to back up but he wouldn’t let me. His grip was to strong. He finally let go and I scrambled to the wall. I fell on my butt and he still hadn’t move. He turned around and walked away.

‘’Lou wait’’ I shouted after him. I followed him out of the closet.

“No. don’t bother, I get it you don’t need or want me, but for the last 12 hours I have been worried sick about you’’ he turned around to walk again but I stopped him and turned him around.

‘’Lou I don’t want you to walk away. I want you to stay with me for the long run. I have been pushing you away because I need time. Not much just a little to cool off and yes it will take time to trust you again but if you really do want me and the baby you will stay around’’. I was now looking at the ground and had my hands wrapped around my body.

He lifted my head up with his fingers on my chin. ‘’ I want to stay for the long run’’ was all he said before placing a kiss on my lips.

---------------------Erin’s POV-----------------------

I was hiding in the little mini coffee shop, behind the counter. I was trying to keep my breathing down so He couldn’t hear me..

‘’Hey Erin’’ Harry jumped over the counter and landed right in front of me. I curled up more into the counter showing him that I didn’t want to talk. ‘’ come on Erin please’’. He sat crossed legged and held concern in his features.

I sat crossed legged like him and looked at the ground. I shook my head wanting to tell him everything but not going down without a fight.

‘’please. You said you didn’t let anyone in for five years. Tell me, everything’’ I looked into his pleading eyes.


----------- a bit later--------

I told him everything. About the adoptions, my family dropping me off in the street, growing up in the street and the orphanage finding me. About when I grew up me and my friends went out of control but the day my little sister died from being beaten by a gang was when I got my shit together. By then I already had my tattoo but I love it.

‘’I know it’s fucked up’’ he rubbed my knee.

‘’here’’ he opened his arms up for me. I hugged him and started to sob into his shoulder. He rubbed circles on my back.

---------------Harry’s POV-----------------

‘’Erin I don’t care. Honestly, I just want you to forgive me, I know it will be hard but please. I have no excuse put it was hell without you. Please Erin’’.  He held on tighter like I was going to die.

‘’I think that can be doable’’ he looked me in the eyes smiling.

-----------Kaits POV-------------

I was sitting at the little bar drinking a Martine.  Niall walked up to me and sat down next to me.

‘’you know when I said never go near me again, I didn’t mean never’’. He looked at me smiling.



 I have a serious problem with ending the story like this. Oh well.


How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now