day 39 part 2 and character profile

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I was now on Hailey’s bed with kait, hails, bazz, Mal , Lou and Niall comforting me. Hailey was now giving me a second bottle of juice. I chugged half of it down.

‘’how do you even chug that much’’. Lou asked me.

‘’she won best chugger in 32 bars, she only entered 30 contest’’ Hailey said.

‘’do you need an ice pack’’ Niall asked me. I shook my head. I looked in the mirror; my cheek was red with the smallest amount of purple showing. I sighed and looked at Hailey.

‘’can I have some bacon’’ I ask innocently. She laughed and went off to cook. I laid down on the bed.

‘’why would harry do that’’ Kait asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. ‘’what if it was the right thing to do, like, I don’t know maybe me and harry weren’t meant to be and that’s what took me to relies’’ I say.

‘’no. don’t talk like that. There is never a reason to hit someone, epically when there their girlfriends’’ kait raises her finger in the air making a point.

‘’I’m baaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaack’’ Hails enters with a plate of bacon.

‘’yuuuuuuuuuuuummmm’’ I get up and run to the plate and dig in. I smile up at her. She just laughed at me.

(this Idea came from my friend Kait, she is also writing a book so you should check it out, there will be a few more character profiles)





Hi I’m Erin, I have greeny, bluey, hazel and grey eyes. (it’s a mix). I never did very well in school but I hardly ever got a D.(A/N I have a dirty mind) I just sucked at spelling and math, and every other subject after that.

I grew up on the street, I became wanted at the police station, and my friend Hails found me. She sorted me out and got me in an orphanage. Not long after that I got adopted. I got put into school with my besties and that’s how me and kait reunited.

See before my parents died, I had a happy life, well sorta. I was surrounded by bitches. I was in kindergarten and I met kait.

I have a long dragon tattoo wrapping around my leg (my gang sigh, tell you more about that later) and a best friend forever sorta thing on my hip. I joined a gang and got my tattoo when I was under aged but they pressured me into it. my mum over looked that.

I am good at plans and looking at people’s behaviour, getting to know them more and learn there personality’s quicker. I taught myself how to play with someone’s emotions. I think quickly and can be fast and slow on my feet. I need a really good reason to run, from being chased by zombies having fun or trying to get the last slice of pizza.

I have this weird thing with juice and bacon, but oh well. I’m not very smart at math but when it comes to a plan it’s like I’ve been studying it for thirty years. I think fast and can get annoyed easily; when it comes to my friends I really can’t hold a grudge.

I guess that’s it by

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