day 47

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Okay today’s a wittle bit different, I’m starting the A/N at the start.

Okay first there’s going to be a second book, coming very soon.

Okay today I had the biggest mood swing ever. Me and my guurraal, Hailey walked out of the toilets and this guy was playing with the bubblers as I walked by. I was walking by happy and cheery and he sprayed water on me and I started swearing at him and it went a little like this.

Him: *plays with bubblers got me wet*

Me: oh my fucking god you little shit, what the fuck you idiot why would you even be fucking doing that. Fucking idiot. *follows Hailey*

Me: wait what the fuck just happened.

Me and Hailey: *starts laughing our ass off because I just had the biggest mood swing on planet Earth*

It was so funny I just started randomly swearing in front of at least 50 people at this one dude and I was really happy because me and my friend Hailey had a good launch break, it was so funny I had to blog about it.

And bad news my brother graduated high school and he might leave the house soon, and I would always smile when thinking about this moment and now it just makes me sad because such a huge piece of your life is missing, next my other brother and then me, i just don’t wanna grow up but life’s a total bitch and so is 3/4th of my school.

Oh and there’s this one girl (slut)who has asked two, Two of my friends why they are my friends and there is so much shit wrong with this I must number it.

1)      We used to be best friends so you can’t say shit

2)      No one even likes you, in fact there was a club

3)      You can’t just ask someone that, especially when your friends are fake

       4)Mind your own business

And 5 only talk about someone else’s friendship when you actually would trust your life in that persons hand and not just meterforikly, (soz I’m crap at spelling)

Okay so to all of you who know a bitch, write that list down and slap it on their fucking face. and say life just bitch slapped you in the face, then walk away like nothing ever happened, when she tells a teacher because she would (once again slut) get your friends and other people to say that you stayed with them all launch break, and that you didn’t do it but the other day you two got in a fight about something stupid and you think she’s just lying about it.

Your welcome, say tata to all the idiots.

And back to the story.

--------------------Harry’s POV-------

One man’s already down. We have only saved two girl, her names holly-anne, but we just call her Holly. She has brown eyes and blonde medium length hair. She is also twenty like the others.

We also have a little girl called Cindy. Very quiet, we don’t know how old she is but we think she’s ten, as I said she’s very quiet.

‘’would you like some bread’’ I asked her. She slowly took it out of my hand and started eating it. We were sitting outside the van in a bushy area. It seemed clear and safe.

‘’how old are you sweetie’’  I asked softly and kindly.

‘’12’’ she whispered, her voice barely audible.

‘’you look younger’’ I smile at her and she gives me a quick smile back.

‘’all right men’’ Lou starts.

‘’tonight we will be moving, we will go north and then during mid-night we will get back to our babes’’ he starts doing a random weird and happy dance obviously excited about seeing Hailey again.

CRACK (A/N no not the drug, the sound)

We quickly got in the van and I dragged in Cindy. She finished her bread and I gave her a bit of water. She had bright blue eyes and red hair. I know what Erin’s going to call her already, Red head and when she’s older Read head babe.

‘’Lou start driving’’ I whispered holding closely to Red head. Shit Erin’s in my head.

He quickly took off don’t the road. I don’t want to risk it.

------------Erin’s POV-------------

I’ve been trying to get in touch with the boys with the walkie talkies but I can’t get in touch, Hailey’s worried and I said our battery’s died.

But I forgot, we are in a store and I use to call her Jesus in math class. And that that she tested the walkie talkies at least one hundred times.

It’s hard without the boys, because we miss them so much. But by midnight they would be on their way back, Hailey did the math.

Hailey and kait haven’t stopped fighting over who’s better, Lou or Niall, how about no one gives a fuck. (A/N no they are not in another fight, this actually didn’t happen)

Lou, Niall it doesn’t matter, let them love who they want to love.

I think I’ll try to get some sleep, me and the girls want to surprise the boys by meeting them outside or something, were not sure yet.

‘’I’m going to try and go to bed’’ I say to Hailey she nods never taking her eyes off the walkie talkies, damn girl



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