day 37

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-----------------Erin's POV--------------------------

I woke up and fell out of bed. Shit.

I walked over to the kitchen not bothering to even brush my hair. It was six in the morning and Lou wanted everyone to get an early start.

‘’alright, everyone know what they’re supposed to do’’.

‘’yep’’ kait said holding up the basket full of stuff and Mal by her side handing Lou a tuxedo.

‘’yes’’. Bazz called in the kitchen and ready to cook.

‘’yes’’ Max said handing some fruit to Bazz.

‘’okay Erin you think you can keep Hailey from getting carouse’’.

‘’yes’’ I mumbled.

‘’okay lets go’’ Lou said. Everyone went off doing what they have to do.

‘’Erin’’ harry asked.

‘’what’’ I said getting annoyed and angry. Fuck morning people.

Harry kissed me on the lips, I didn’t move.


‘’yes my darling’’ I started blushing and looked down.

‘’never mind’’ I got up and walked over to my bed and went back to sleep.

-------------------2 hours later-------------------------

I woke up again and walked over to the DVD store and got three movies Hailey really liked. I walked into the kitchen.

‘’morning babe’’ I said to bazz.

‘’morning’’ she responded to busy cooking and cutting.

‘’do we have any popcorn’’.

‘’that cupboard’’ she said pointing to the brown cupboard.

Once finished cooking the popcorn I grabbed some coke and Pepsi. I made a poke and put the popcorn on the table and same with the poke. I set the DVD up and let the trailers run threw.

I walked over to Hailey. ‘’BEEP BEEP MOTHER FUCKER’’ I screamed. She jumped out of bed.

‘’good morning my lovely I have a treat for you’’.


‘’movies, popcorn and poke’’ she got up quickly changed and ran to the ‘living room’ and drank a full cup of poke. I served her another cup and pressed play letting the hunger game start.

----------------------3 movies later---------------

‘’ I’m bored’’ Hailey complained.

‘’go take a shower you’re covered in popcorn’’

‘’fiiiiiiinne’’ I took a look at the time. It was five o’clock. Lou would want her ready at six. I went and looked at all the pretty dresses.

I picked a pretty Blue dress with some Blue heels that would make her look much taller. I got some mascara and foundation to make her look extra pretty. I got some curlers and a pretty hair clip. What else. I think that’s it.

I walked over to Hailey’s bed.

‘’what you got there’’

‘’were dressing up tonight’’


‘’put this on’’ I handed her the dress.

‘’ooh pretty’’ she quickly slipped the dress on while was putting all the stuff together.

How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now