day 39 part 2

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I put my new things away, under the bed so harry wouldn’t find them and ruin the surprise.

‘’hey Erin’’ I jumped and popped my head up, I saw Harry at the door.

‘’I saw you shopping with Russel’’ I smiled at him and said okay.

‘’did you have fun’’ he walked up to me towering over me even though he was a centimetre or 3 taller than me. (A/N not 1 or 2, its 1 or 3. There is no 2. 2 got bit, it died) He seemed mad by the way his chest was riding and falling.

‘’eah, babe are you okay’’ I asked. I tried to put my and to his cheek but he turned his head.

‘’yes’’ he turned around and walked out; I thought it would be best if I just let him go. I packed up the mess I made and skipped over to hails.

‘’yo hails’’ I called.

‘’sup bitch’’ I high fived her and automatically we walked over to the kitchen. Ah, this is true friend ship.

‘’ima pick you up in a Cadillac like a gentleman’’ I started but I stopped talking when I heard kait and mal fighting.

‘’shut up’’ Kait yelled at me.

‘’no’’ I said calmly.

‘’what did you just say’’ kait hissed. I smiled at her and she started chasing me, she was hot on my tail. I jumped over a bench and continued walking, I heard everyone following us knowing this will be good.

‘’let’s get radicalise’’ I shouted.

‘’I’m going to kill you Erin’’ kait shouted.

‘’I am titanium’’ I sung.

‘’sing one more thing and that’s it.

‘’walk into the club like wad up I got a big cock’’

‘’I will be the death of you’’.

‘’whistle baby, whistle baby’’ I heard her growl and pick her speed up. I used a sign to backflip and go over her then, continue running. ‘’Erin’’ she shouted. I saw Harry’s worried face for me. I kissed him on the cheek as I ran by him. He smiled and looked at the ground.

‘’boom boom boom, now let me hear you say wayo’’ I sung

‘’you’re  a trouble maker’’ I shouted.

‘’ow’’ I heard her scream. I stopped and turned around, she ran into the pole. I hid my smirk and helped her up. The others came to the rescue.

‘’Erin did you hit her’’ Niall said grabbing kait of me.

‘’what no she ran into the poll’’. I defend myself.

‘’she hit me’’ kait mumbled, Hailey stood next to me.

‘’kait’’ she warned.

‘’eah’’ she said innocently.

‘’you know Erin would never hit you’’ she said.

‘’but she did’’. I crossed my arms.


‘’please not again’’ she said covering her face. ‘’don’t’’ I stopped Hailey from cussing her out, Were friends. This won’t last long. (A/N yes my friends are in another fight, sigh, so listen up bitches)

Hails groaned and walked of. I groaned to knowing I had to follow her. ‘’don’t worry about it Hailey’’.

‘’your right’’ she sighed. ( I hope ur listening HAILEY and KAIT) we walked to the kitchen, she got some nutella and I got some juice.

How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora