day 44

654 18 5

-------------------Hails POV------------

I saw Dan signal a two to Lou as to which means two days left before he goes. What if he dies what if he gets bitten OMG what if he gets separated and lost. I felt myself breathing shallower than before and I go pale.

‘’are you okay’’ Lou asks me. I smile at him and try to deepen my breathing for his sake. It doesn’t work.

‘’can I be excused’’ I say getting up and walking away. I heard Erin come after me. She knew something was wrong.

After I left the room I sit down leaning against the wall.

‘’Hails what’s wrong’’ she asks falling to my side and grabbing my hand. She learnt all the medical stuff she knows from me so I trust that if something would happen to me she would know what to do. My mum was a nurse and she taught me everything she knew and I taught Erin.

She checked my symptoms and looked in my eyes for more information.

‘’all right Hailey I need you to calm down just tell me what’s wrong’’ she asks politely.

‘’I’m scared I’m going to lose Lou’’ I sob.

‘’calm down babe’’ she hushes me. She rubs my arm up and down. ‘’now tell me’’

‘’I don’t want to lose him, I love him so much and care for him like he’s my blood, he loves me so much too and every fight we’ve been in only made us stronger and I just don’t know what I would do if I lost him’’ I let it all go and feel the weight of my chest.

‘’who says he’s going to die. He’s just going to go out and try and save people he’s got like 5 other people with him. And he’s taking a car, so it’s very unlikely something bad will happen to him’’ she says simply as if nothing. I felt myself calm down and relax.

Erin smiled at herself knowing that she helped.

‘’so you cool’’ she asks, I nod at her CRAP grammar but whatever.

‘’can you get me some water’’ I ask. She nods and stands up to leave.

I think I just had a spas attack. Haha lol.

She returns later with a cup of water in her hand. I chug the cup down and hand it back to her. She starts smirking like an idiot. Shit.

‘’what did you do to my water’’ she shook her head, she’s hiding something that li’le  bitch. Haha I just did a British accent in my head, haah wow I’m tired.

Hello love I’m br’ish, I love li’ttle mix, are you shi’en me love, I’m bri’tish too. I start laughing.

‘’eah, okay I’m going to take you to bed’’. She says and picks me up bridal style. She takes me to Lou and he stands up immediately when he sees me in her arms and giggling.

‘’here I think she’s tired, could you take her to bed for me’’ he nods and takes me in his arms.

‘’later babe’’ she says and gets back to her toast.

‘’haha, she called me babe. I hate her’’ my face went serous and Lou carried me off. He kissed my cheeks.

‘’how long are you going to be gone’’ I ask.

‘’three days’’ I nod to him and let him take me off, I’m a bit of an insomniac so I know I’m not getting any sleep. HA, shits I’m tired.

---------------------------------Erin’s POV-------------------

After Lou took her off I sated talking to Dan.

‘’so  two day’s left and you’re going to be gone for about how long, three days’’ I ask.

‘’eah, we’re gonna need a few extra supplies’’. He asks.

‘’no problem’’ I reassue him. Harry comes out and kisses my cheeks.

‘’what do you wanna do babe’’ He asks.

‘’well we need to pack for you boys’’ I say putting my plastic plate in the bin.

‘’aaagh, you know it could get very dangerous out there, scary you know’’ I can tell he’s trying to get a reaction out of me.

‘’okay then I will pack a few extra Dora the explorer band aids’’ I say shaking his head by moving his chin.

I start packing some food the boys and others can eat while out. ‘’how many people are you going to find’’ I ask.

‘’two or three’’ I nod and get the extra food.

‘’so only two days’’ he says tapping the counter. He moves closer to me as Dan puts his plate in the bin and walk to his room. I take a step back from him wanting to continue.

‘’I might not come back’’ He continues.

‘’can I help you’’ I ask.

‘’aren’t you going to miss me’’ he asks wrapping his arms around me.

‘’I have a lot to do here, for one I have to make sure kait doesn’t give anyone a tattoo while they sleep, make sure Hailey is stable without Lou, make sure no fights break out or someone gets hurt’’ I sigh.

‘’mm’’ He mumbles and rests his head on my shoulder.

‘’ I love your hair by the way’’ he says cheering me up. The die from last time faded and now it’s been renewed. 

‘’thanks’’ I kiss him on the cheek.

‘’no problem baby’’ I let my smirk grow.

‘’question’’ I say.


‘’were dating right’’


‘’so would that make me’’

‘’my girl’’ he finishes my sentence. He kisses me slowly and passionately.

When we finish he rests his forehead on mine and kisses my nose. We haven’t kissed like that since, oh. I felt my smile fade and my heart hurts a little. He saw my mood change and he knew what I was thinking about.

He puts his hand and on my cheek knowing if he apologises one more time there will have no meaning of the word. He kisses my lips with sorry and empathy.

‘’I got to finish packing’’ I put the rest of the food in the bag and put it next to the other bags full of weapons, clothes and supplies. I can tell he’s resisting to say sorry.

‘’everybody get the fuck out I’m going to cook lunch’’ Bazz walks in and shoves everyone out. I laugh at her and go to kait’s new work shop, I guess.


Okay short but oh well, umm I got 2 people for the Liam’s heart thing but I’m open two suggestions and I already have 1 person who is going to be saved so about 3 and then a few more random people okay that’s it, love you all byyyz.


How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now