day 40 part 2

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I was alone in my room, it felt weird without Harry. I laid on Harry’s side of the bed and inhaled his sent. Why does he have to have a temper, He’s like Kait on her period. HA. 

 ‘’Erin’’ Harry popped his head through the crack in the door.

‘’go away harry’’ I say sternly.

‘’baby please’’

‘’don’t, I’m not stupid enough to let you in again’’ I’m lying just apologise, just something, why are you such a fucking hot drug.

‘’your right’’

‘’wait what’’ I shot up in bed.

‘’I’m not going to try again if all I’m going to do is break your heart again, I took it too far’’ he looks at the ground.

‘’what no, no’’

‘’what do you mean’’ he says. I stand up ready to fire back.

‘’no this isn’t how it works, we fight I forgive you and we fall back in love, no this isn’t how it goes you can’t just break the system’’ I say getting closer to him.

‘’Erin I’m not going to let you do this to yourself’’ harry says putting his hands on my shoulders.

‘’what do you mean’’ I ask trying to hold his hand.

‘’I’m not letting you lower yourself just cause you feel lonely or upset’’ he denies my hand request and turns to walk.

‘’wait’’ I jump onto Harry’s back. ‘’ah, what are you doing’’ He asked me regaining his balance. ‘’can you get off me’’.

‘’no, I love you Harry, don’t leave me, what about what we’ve been through, I know you took it to far but I can forgive, we can learn to love again. I can learn to forgive and you can learn to control your behaviour’’ I say begging him leaving my dignity at the door.

He sighed and turned me around so he as holding me in his arms. I gave him my best puppy dog face. ‘’baby please’’ I beg, I don’t know how the tables turned but I hate losing someone just as much as I hate gaining one.

‘’please’’ I whisper hugging him; I snuggled into his neck and sniffled a few times.

‘’no Erin’’ he said sternly. I looked him in the eye and end back to hugging him not being able to handle the pressure of his gaze. He walked me over to the bed and tried to put me down. I didn’t let go I just hung on closer.

‘’Erin please’’.


‘’Erin baby’’ He pleads. I sigh and let go. He catches me and tucks me in. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and started to leave.

‘’wait’’ I grab his hand.

‘’yes’’ I play with his head.

‘’aren’t you going to sleep here tonight’’. He shakes his head breaking my heart more. I let a tear fall and look down. He wipes it away and gives me a kiss on the cheek. He leaves and this time I let him.

as soon as my eyes close my insomniac side kicks in, telling me I’m not getting any sleep tonight. I accept it and roll on my side. Harry must have known what would happen because he left the side lamp on.

I look through the books we have and pick a random book. ‘Every year you must at least have sex outside at least once-‘ nope. That cheeky basterd.

‘but don’t you love me’ here we go. I chuck the book across the room not wanting anymore drama.

‘’is everything okay’’ Harry asked walking in. I nod my head and look down. He sighed for the millionth time tonight. ‘’I’ll sleep with you’’  I didn’t respond as he stripped down into is boxers. He crawled onto his side of the bed and pulled me closer to him.

‘’I always win’’ He looked at me strangely. I laughed at him and snuggled closer to him and rested my hand on his ‘butterfly’ but let’s face it, it’s a moth. Sleep finally kicks in letting me sleep.

‘’why did you forgive me so quickly, Erin, it isn’t right’’. Harry says waking me up.

‘’I love you, but you’re not forgiven, I’m just smart enough to not let you go’’ he plays with my hair putting it to one side.

‘’ so there’s still a chance of us’’ he asks.

‘’when was there not’ I say reassuring him that he can’t shake me off. I outline Harry’s ‘butterfly’ and smile at myself.

‘’what’s so funny’’ He asked.

‘’nothing’’ I say. I can’t believe I nearly lost him, I can’t believe I cried and clung on like a baby.

‘’you’re pretty cute when you think you’re going to lose me, you act all tuff but I know it’s only an act and you only show your true colours when you’re losing something, and I don’t ant that’’

‘’what are you trying to say’’ I ask and warn at the same time.

‘’I’m just saying that it would be nice to so the real you more often instead of the tuff act’’ he says delicately. I nod at him and he slides down so were face to face.

‘’I love you’’ he whispers. I smile at him and roll over; I’m not ready to forgive him. I quickly fall asleep knowing that Harry’s keeping me safe.



nothing to say nothing to do except we broke vevo.

yes that's right, we shut down vevo from watching 1D's new song story of my life, they even took away the amount of views and shut it down just so that they could get the sight up and running again. *High fives all directioner* the boy's were so proud but we have to keep on going, we need to break all the records.

miley got on a ball naked, the boys hung up MILLIONS of pctures by themselves of the childhood *zooms in* and even recreated the memorys and i cried a little. and don't forget to subscribe to them because there amazing and singing for a good caurse. * that awkward moment when you can't spell he words*.

so click that describe button and get your 1D on, keep reading for more news about 1D. that's it.

love you all, kiss kiss, thats it, by my lovleys.


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