day 39

754 23 4

I woke up next to Lou.

‘’morning babe’’ I whispered. He was still asleep so he only held me closer to him. He stirred around a bit until he finally woke up. His hair was messy and he was still very tired. ‘’morning baby’’ He kissed me on the lips and rolled over. I was a bit upset until he grabbed my arm and brought me closer, so I was hugging him from behind.

‘’do you want to stay in bed for a while’’ I asked him pushing his hair out of his face.

‘’yes please baby’’ he quickly drifted off to sleep.

---------------------------------Erin’s POV--------------

‘’baby wake up’’ I jumped up awake. I was still in the music shop and Harry was by my side.

‘’morning my darling’’ I started blushing and looked down. He chuckled at me. He lifted my chin up and kissed my lips.

‘’I should call you that more often’’ He kissed me again but on me cheek. He brushed some hair out of my face. ‘’I’m going to have a shower, come with’’ I nodded and he helped me up. I skipped over to our rom and got a towel. He followed me into the room. ‘’ready’’ I jump onto Harry’s back and he takes me away. (A/N mmmmhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm)


--------------------Harry’s POV------------

After me and Erin’s shower, age said she had to get dressed and she didn’t want me there watching her but I mean whatever. I put some pants on and lay on the bed waiting for Erin.

Knowing her she would probably be wearing some tights a green shirt and a leather jacket. Fake leather of course. 

I bet her hair would still be wet and it would be on one side and she would be hiding her smile behind her face just getting ready to let it show.

She walked in and smiled at me. She put on stereo hearts and turned the music up. She was wearing tights but her shirt was a petty blue colour and she was wearing the jacket I guessed she would. I watched her brush her hair very closely.

I want to learn more about her, and her past. But she’s very closed off. She only opens up to me but can be cold sometimes without knowing. She sat next to me and kissed my cheek. I played with her wet hair spinning it around in my fingers.

‘’what do you want to do’’ she asks me. I lay down closer to her and rest my head on her stomach. I shrug my shoulders, wrapping my arm around her waist. She played with my hair and I could tell she was smiling.

 She was wearing boots. She always loved boots. ‘’my hearts an open stereo, it beats for you so listen close’’ I sung alone. She rested her head on her pillow. She’s a bit of an insomniac so a know she doesn’t get that much sleep.

‘’I’m tired’’ she yawned.

‘’well go to sleep baby, I’m not going any were’’. I felt her body relax and soon enough her breathing got deeper. I turned the music off and grabbed the game boy I found. I put it back down knowing if she woke up to me playing that she would be pist.

I turned the TV on and it started the movie of were me and Erin were last watching it, she convinced me to watch happy Gilmore, we got thirty minutes into it before we started making out and turned it off.

------------------------------------------Erin’s POV----------------------------

Harry’s hand woke me up. Dirty mind. I removed his hand from my face. I turned he movie off and went to the kitchen.

‘’hello’’ Russel called out to me.

‘’Hello’’ I said back getting some orange juice, he stared at me weirdly.

‘’hey I can’t have apple juice all the time’’ He laughed at me.

‘’what am I going to wear’’ I panicked.

‘’I’ll help you’’ Russel said calmly.

‘’you have fashion sense’’ I say eyeing him up and down.

‘’of course’’ He smiled proudly.

‘’fine, let’s go’’

‘’yay’’ he grabs my hand and pulls me towards one of the stores I could never afford.

‘’here try on these’’ he hand me some clothes as soon as we enter the store. ‘’well, what are you waiting for, go, go now’’ he pushes me in the dressing room.

‘’fine, jeese’’ I try on the first dress.

‘’show me once you’re finished’’. Russel called out. I stepped out of the changing room and he said nope next one. ‘’but you barley looked’’ I complained.

‘’thank god or I might of gone blind’’. He did that for the first hundred dresses, by the end we had only four dresses left.

He made me hold up two and he held up the other two.  ‘’not this one’’ He grabbed one of my dresses and threw it to the ground. ‘’or that one’’ He grabbed my last dress and put it next to the other. ‘’and this one doesn’t fit your figure’’ He dropped one of his.

‘’this one’’ he was holding a purple dress with a black belt and a black tiger pattern on it.

‘’shoes’’ He said before dragging me into a shoe shop. He scanned threw the heels, Shoes flying out of everywhere and me dodging them with some ninjas skills, if I do say myself.

‘’so watcha doin’’ he asked.

‘’Harry’’ I said, he started laughing uncontrollably. Harry walked out of the bedroom and sat next to me. ‘’hey’’ he kissed me on the lips.

‘’well hello to you too’’ I say surprised by his behaviour. When he wakes up it’s usually just a kiss on the cheeks and a morning.

‘’so what are you doing’’ Harry asked coldly to Russel.

‘’nothing but apparently Erin is doing you’’ He smiled at me, I smiled and looked down. He started laughing his ass off again.

‘’wha’’ Harry asked. I shook my head telling him not to worry about it.

‘’so I was wondering if you would go on a date with me tomorrow’’ harry asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

‘’HARRY’’ Lou called.

‘’got to go, love ya babe’’ he kissed me on the cheek.

‘’these’’ I didn’t even get to see the pair before he dragged me into a under wear shop. I felt incredibly awkward.

‘’what would harry like’’ he pulled a random pair of the shelves.

‘’do they like things like this’’ he asked.

‘’what do you mean they’’ I asked snatching the pair off of him.

‘’the straight’’.

‘’straight, wait are you’’ I asked.

‘’gay’’ he finished my sentence.

‘’that explains the fashion sense’’. I laughed, he laughed with me.

‘’I’ll choose’’ I say grabbing a pair off the shelf. I grabbed a bag and shoved everything into it. I looked at the shoes; they were white and simple but very pretty and didn’t bring any attention which would make the dress look better.

‘’and jewellery’’ he reminded me. We walked into the shop and got some pretty, and random things and just some things that I like, I don’t want the girls beating me to it.


Okay well small meaningless update but what ever. Any way my keyboard is realy fucked up and annoying so yeah, its really hard to write. Sad face, okay wellzzzz  thatz  itz byyyyyyyyyyyyyyz and I have a problem with the letter z

How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin