day 41 part 2

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----------------Erin’s POV----------------

Hailey ad I were hanging around outside when I saw something moving in the middle of the road about a kilometre away.

‘’look’’ I said pointing to the silhouette.

‘’it looks human, not zombie’’ Hailey replied.

‘’Hey guys get yo asses out here, we think see a human down the road’’ she yelled though the doors. Suddenly the figure broke into a jog.

‘’Erin, Hailey’’ it shouted. I looked at Hailey, she was squinting trying to get a better look. ‘’ oh my god’’ she whispered.

Then what happened next surprised me, she broke into a run and me closely following.

‘’corey’’ she shouted. Know knowing who t was I picked up my speed, running faster and faster but not out running Hails.

‘’Hailey’’ He shouted back. Kait ran out first and cached up quickly. ‘’kait it’s corey’’ I shouted shaking her. Her smile grew.

--------------------Hailey’s POV-----------

It’s Corey, it’s really him. I ran faster than I ever did before. When I finally reached him I jumped on top of him kissing him on his face.

‘’what’s been happenin’’ he said forgetting there is such a thing as grammar.

‘’okay well I finally me Louis from one direction, and we were dating and I got pregnant but I had a miscarriage and we broke up but were back together now, and Erin’s boyfriend slapped her, Kait slept with everyone and I can’t believe it took me this long to realise I love you’’. I still hadn’t stopped kissing his face or get off of him. I heard everyone else catch up.

‘’I love you Corey, I love you so much, I should of realised earlier but I realise it now and I’m so sorry I love you more than anything’’.

‘’what do you mean you got pregnant and had a miscarriage’’ He said looking at me in disgust. I smiled at him innocently. He sighed and turned my around so I was getting a piggy back ride. ‘’you girls good to carry my bag’’ he asked Erin. She nodded and picked it up. Erin gave him a quick hug and same with kait.

‘’so where’s this Lou kid’

‘’ here’’ Lou walked towards Corey a little too close for comfort.

--------------Lou’s POV-----------------------------------------------

I walked close to this faq and got I his face. Hailey hopped of his back probably regretting what she said.

I was raging, adrenalin pumping through me.

‘’I love you Corey, I love you so much, I should of realised earlier but I realise it now and I’m so sorry I love you more than anything’’. The words rang though my mind mocking me. She kissed him, and told him everything.

‘’who the hell are you’’ I yelled in his face.

‘’Who the fuck are you to get Hailey pregnant’’. He screamed back. Hailey tensed up and Erin and Kait took a step back and looked away not wanting any trouble.

‘’Her boyfriend’’.

‘’well in that case’’ next thing I know I was on the ground.

---------------------------Hailey’s POV------------------

‘’why the fuck would you do that’’ I screamed running over to Lou and bending down to help him up. He simply pushed me off and walked inside. I sat there in shock.

‘’what the hell did I do?’’ I asked.

‘’are you kidding me’’ Liam shouted out.

‘’you just admitted you love this guy in front of all of us including Lou’’ he continued gesturing to Corey in mid-sentence.

‘’He’s my fucking brother’’ I shouted in his face taking his collar in my small hands.

‘’Hailey’’ Corey grabbed my wrists shaking me off of him. I turned around and shoved him back.

‘and you, you didn’t have to fucking hit him, we just got back together. Why and then you get me of Liam before I do something I will regret’’ I mock him, he used to always say that to me. ‘’Hailey’’ he tries to reason with me.

‘’you know I really like that noise you make when you shut the fuck up, and listen here you hypocrite I love him and you fucking hit him’’. My voice softens and so do my features.

‘’you hit him’’

‘’Hailey please’’. I shake my head and run off.

------------------Erin’s POV------------------

I take Coreys bag and hand and run off after hails.

‘’she’ll forgive me right’’.

‘’I don’t know’’. She really loves him it’s hard to tell.

‘’here’’ I give him his bag and place it on the bed.

‘’I gonna find Hailey’’ I say.

I charge off after here.

‘’what do you want’’ I hear Lou shout. I look at them and eardrop.

‘’I need to tell you something’’ she says following him.

‘’what’’ He shouts. He is holding back all rage knowing that if he swears or hurts her anymore it will only get worse.

‘’He’s my brother’’ He stops and closes his eyes. You could see all anger vanish. He grabbed Hailey and embraced her almost like he’s saying sorry. I smile at them.

‘’your brother punched me in the face’’ he says breathing deeply still letting his anger out.

‘’He didn’t take it very well when he found out I had a boyfriend and I lost my virginity, and I got pregnant, and I had a miscarriage and’’

‘’I get it’’ He says stopping her. She giggles at him.

‘’you do realise you have to apologise to my bro’’

‘’for what’’ he complains. She gives him a warning look. He sighed for the hundreds time today.

‘’let’s go’’ she skipped to the door.

‘’oh I gave him a room’’  say.

‘’Erin were you spying’’. She asked. I gave her a cheeky smile before leading them to his room.

‘’Hailey’’ he grabs her and she shakes him off. She points to lou.

‘’look I’m sorry man, I lost control’’ he says.

‘’no prob’’ he smiles.

‘’yay’’ she clapped her hands and kissed her two favourite boys on the cheek.


Okay so we broke the record, Haileys brother is back she gained a level in sass not sure what else to say,. Anyway my lovelys I have nine hundred right now in this point of time I’m reading this so, I love you all and that’s it.

Bye lovely’s.


How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now