day 13

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I woke up, rolled out of bed and crawled to the door only to relies I was naked. I quickly crawled to the packed bags and threw something on. I continued to crawl to the door and all the way down to the lobby were everyone seemed to be hanging out.

‘’hey Erin it’s morning. Why are you crawling?’’ Bazz asked.

‘’you literally just answered your own question’’. I crawled to the spinning chair and spun around on it.

‘’she hates mornings’’ Hailey said. Perfect no one knows. Brilliant.

‘’I miss wi-fi’’ I screamed.

‘’me to’’ Mal shouted.

‘’but these boots are made for walking. And that’s just what they do, and one day these bots are gonna walk all over you’’. I said pointing at my NEW AND FABULOUSE BOOTS.

‘’Hey Erin’’

‘’yes Hailey’’ I said stopping in the chair and facing her.

‘’I heard you’’ I instantly knew what she was talking about. I jumped of the chair and tried to crawl away but hailey dragged me to the middle of the room where all the boys and girls eyes were on me. She pulled me up on my feet.

‘’walk’’ was all she said with wild eyes. She gave me a little shove. She signalled me to walk.

As I started walking all I could hear was my friends laughing.

‘’eah laugh it up bitches’’ I said crossing my arms.

‘’I’m still waiting for you two’’ I said pointing at Bazz and Mal.They stopped laughing and looked up at me.

‘’Whatever’’ Bazz said leaning on Mal.

Harry picked me up. ‘’would you like some chocolate’’.

‘’yes please’’ I said cheerfully.

He jogged up stairs holding me bridal style. He he . style. Styles. He he.

He places me down in the chair and handed me some chocolate. He pulled a chair beside me and hugged me from the side. ‘’Erin’’

‘’Yes Harry’’

he grabbed my hand and turned my chair so I was facing him. I put my food down giving him my full attention. ‘’Erin’’

“yes Harry’’ I put my hands on his cheek looking deep into his eyes. He seems hesitant to tell me.

‘’Erin do you’’ I got closer to his face waiting for the answer.  ‘’know the muffin man’’ I felt my face turn to a frown. I let go of him and rested my elbows on the table and put my face in my hands, hiding the embarrassment.  ‘’aww come on Erin. It was just a joke’’. He said wrapping his arm around me.

‘’don’t’’ I put his arm on his legs. ‘’ come on Erin. It was a joke, why. What did you think I was going to say’’

‘’I don’t know Harry but I thought it would be better than that’’. I moaned in anger.

‘’well sorry, but we only met like a week ago’’. He snarled.

‘’OMG’’ I slammed my head on the table. ‘’OMG,OMG’’ I repeated slamming my head on the table. ‘’what’’

‘’ Your fucking right. We did only meet a week ago. Look at me. I belong on MTV. I can’t believe all the things we’ve done and it’s only been a week’’. I got up out of my chair and weirdly walked to the bed and sat down on it. I pulled on my hair and laid back into the bed.

‘’ the only reason you’re probably going out with me is because you didn’t want to be alone or with a crazy bitch’’ He walked over to me and sat down beside me. ‘’ come on. You know that’s not true’’.

‘’yes it is’’.

‘’it’s probably the only reason you even talked to me’’. I added.


He pulled me onto his lap. ‘’ that’s not true’’

‘’how do you know’’ I looked him in the eye.

‘’because. Because I think I love you’’ he looked me back in the eye desperately waiting for me to answer. When I didn’t answer he put his head down and sighed. I lifted his chin up. I kissed him softly on the lips. Then again with more passion.

When we pulled apart I blushed and looked him in the eyes. ‘’ I think I love you too’’.


The reason I got him to ask her if she wanted chocolate was because I am REALLY  craving chocolate. Any way just wait until. Day 13 part 2 by guys

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