day 9

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‘’wake up, wake up, wake up’’.  I woke up to someone poking my face. ‘’ fuck of Hailey’’ I said trying to slap her away.

‘’no never. I won’t surrender without a fight’’ I slapped her across her face. ‘’ow bitch. What was that for’’.

‘’you should know better than to wake me up’’. I said pointing at her. ‘’true’’.

‘’ so you know how we were planning on going bush’’.  ‘’eah’’ I rolled on my back wishing she would shut up. She laid down next to me.

‘’surprise’’ I shot up where I was sleeping. I was in some weird cabin. Everyone was having breakfast. ‘’ are you okay’’ Hailey said waving her hand in my face.

‘’is, that, bacon’’ Harry walked over to me and handed me a plate. I dug in like I haven’t eaten in days.

‘’you really like bacon don’t you’’ I stopped and looked up at him. ‘’bacon is the best Pease of meat you can get and if you don’t like it as much as I do we just can’t be friends’’. I continued eating my bacon. He laughed then stopped. ‘’she’s not joking’’. I heard Kait whisper. He backed up to his chair. Me and Hails fist bumped.

‘’so what now we’re in the bush. With the deadly kangaroos and the pissed of koalas’’ Hailey said with a thumbs up.

‘’we survive’’ Bazz said finishing her toast. Wait is she a vegetarian.

‘’Bazz are you a veg head’’  I asked.



‘’so did you guys get new things like food’’.

‘’yeah’’ Lou said picking hails off the floor and spinning her around the room. Like a princess. Makng her giggle. I want to be a princess. I am so jelly.

‘’I am so jelly’’ Hailey laughed at me. ‘’ yeah I know your jealous of my awesomeness, so how’s your hip’’.

‘’it’s pretty good actually’’. I said moving my hips.

‘’good so I can do this’’. Harry picked me up and spun me around like Lou did to Hailey. ‘’ I feel like a princess’’. I stated. The girls laughed at me.

‘’so can you walk’’.

‘’ I got shot two days ago. What do you think’’.

‘’that you could walk’’ ‘’ oooh burn’’ I heard Bazz say.

‘’ shut up and take me to the bathroom’’.

‘’ ooh I’ve all ways wanted to go skinny dipping. I guess a bath tub will do’’. I slapped him on the arm and he laughed at me. We walked into the bathroom and saw my reflection. I screamed.

‘’what’s wrong’’ he yelled looking around.

‘’oh never mind, just my face. Get Kait stat. we need a professional’’.

‘’got it’’ he ran of calling kait.

‘’ okay I’m gonna need tweezers shampoo, conditioner purple hair die, nail polish and hmm a bit of makeup. And Harry would take your virginity in three seconds flat’’

‘’is that really’’.

‘’yes really’’ we laughed.

After finding everything she started. A girl must off lived here if she had purple hair die. Or they were a punk rocker. I don’t care. Kait knew my style so I didn’t have to tell her what I wanted.

She started with my eyebrows, then my nails and make up. She dip died the ends of my hair purple. Just the way I love it. After that she reapplied my makeup.


I turned around and looked in the mirror. I looked way better. ‘’harry would tap that’’ we laughed.




‘’ oh eah, fuck mother nature’’ we laughed again.

‘’Are you nearly wow’’ Harry looked me up and down. He walked over and looked at the ends of my hair. ‘’ you look great’’. He started playing with my hair. ‘’ I’ll give you two some privacy’’. Kait walked out of the room with the biggest ass smirk I’ve ever seen.

‘’so you like it’’.

‘’I love it’’. He moved closer to me wrapping his arms around me and embracing me in a hug. He rested his forehead on mine.

He kissed me on my nose being playful. ‘’boo boo muther fuckers, stop flirting’’ Kait interrupted us giving me a heart attack.

‘’what was that for’’ I yelled.

‘’remember when we were little and you woke me up at 4 with that message. I told you I’d get my revenge’’ she walked off laughing evilly. Wow. Really.

‘’Well that ruined the moment’’. I said.

‘’not really’’ Harry picked me up stairs and threw me on the bed. He hovered above me kissing me neck.

‘’ I can’t’’

‘’why not’’ he lifted his head up.


‘’oh, well I have other ideas’’ he smiled at me before kissing me again. Tonight’s going to be a long night.


Hiii shout out to my bff kaity ( and hails) who is writing a fan fic called Do I know you. Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. Her username is KaitlynAnderson3 but if you go on my profile just look at followers and search there. it shouldn’t be too hard and while you’re there may as well press the follow button on my profile. :D byz

How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now