Chapter 23

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"We should tell Mike," I announce picking on my nails as I sit on the floor inside Thayer's room

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"We should tell Mike," I announce picking on my nails as I sit on the floor inside Thayer's room.

Thayer is pacing back and forth, thinking about ideas and ways on how we can escape out of here. He's pacing here and there for like ten minutes now and to be honest, it's making my head spin.

He snaps his head towards my direction, his expression unreadable, but I can see the look of disapproval in his eyes.

"What? Why? No!," he disapproves stopping on whatever he is doing with his feet and turns to look at me, "we are not telling him."

"But maybe he could help?," I say innocently. 

There is no way we could just figure this out alone. We're only patients, and maybe Mike can help us because he'd probably know the ways around here in this sanitarium. He'd also be of great help when it comes to finding my records, which is in fact what I really do have first in mind but yada yada yada, months later I still don't have it.

"You can't trust him Scarlett," he says trying to remain calm. 

I don't know what his deal with Mike is. He should be thankful Mike is the reason why we're here talking one on one at this time of the night. Mike had been helping us sneak out here and there during midnight, and he's putting a whole lot at stake in his job by doing just so.

"But maybe we can. After all he's the one who has been helping us for the past three weeks," I counter.

He sits up in front of me, crossed-legs on the floor. I look at him a bit pleading, hoping that he'd accept my suggestion. I really think Mike would be of help.

Not that I am using him just to escape this sanitarium, but I really trust him that much.

"We didn't ask him to," Thayer stubbornly says, obvious that he wouldn't be backing down any second now, "or did you?"

"I didn't, okay?," I sigh frustrated, "look. He helped us voluntarily, that's got to mean something. He could be trusted. Or if you really don't want, then maybe I could just ask the doctors myself."

Thayer leans back, with both of his arms supporting his body, "Fine, if this really means something to you."

"Seriously?," my eyes widen in shock and joy at the same time.

"Seriously before I change my mind," he chuckles and so did I.

Mike appears by the door a few minutes later, and with that, Thayer and I know that I have to go back to my room now. We said our goodbye's for the mean time and I went outside his room, as quietly as I could and trudged down the halls along with Mike.

I really wish they would let Thayer out soon.

"So tell me," Mike says as we are nearing down my room, "what was all those meetings about?"

I yawn, strerching my arms before answering, "I'd really love to tell you about it. Do you have time?"

Mike looks at me questioningly as we reach my room, he flashes his key card opening the door and I enter.

"Actually," he starts, "I was supposed to be out by now. But listening to whatever you have in mind wouldn't hurt."

Although a bit late, with both Mike and I already sleepy, he ushers himself inside my room and then I started telling him about everything. From the start.

I told him about the questions in my head, about why I am here. Wondering about my parents and everything. I filled him in about Thayer's admission in here. Of Chris being the one who deserves to be in Thayer's place right now, and the whole time, Mike is listening intently, without any judgments. 

He just sits there at the foot of my bed inside my room and listened until I finish.

"Of course they wouldn't admit Chris in here," Mike says after I tell him everything. He has this look on his face which seems to be a look of someone in deep thought. His chin on top of his closed fists and then he looks up at me.

"What do you mean?," I ask confused and intrigued about what he is implying now.

"Chris Stanford," he continues, but I still don't get the idea so he went on, "doesn't ring a bell? Dr. Jean Stanford."

I look at him for like a whole three minutes before finally letting the idea sink in. And when it finally did, my eyes shuts open taking away all the sleepiness that I have been feeling for the past hour.

"Oh my gosh," is all that I could manage to say. Mike looks shocked too, but probably not in the same shock as me. 

"I can't believe Chris would do that."

"I couldn't believe they are related, let alone mother and son," I say connecting the dots.

"So they pinned everything onto Thayer so that no one would ever know it was Chris," I continue, "because Chris is a son of a Psychiatrist. Dr. Jean wouldn't let her son be one of her patients."

"But how did they find Thayer and pin it on him abruptly?," Mike asks.

"Maybe Thayer knows him," I answer, "Thayer is really closed off about Chris. And based on their argument in the courtyard a few weeks ago, they seem to know each other well."

Mike nods. I'm still stunned with the new information I had gathered. Thayer should definitely know about this. 

Mike looks at me, opening his mouth to say something but then closing it again. He looks reluctant, that I can tell. And I'm starting to worry that he isn't in on the idea. I wish he is, because if that's the case, I just made a fool out of myself for ever asking his help. And that wouldn't be good since I had just told him everything.

"Please don't tell anyone," I plead. I've done a lot of pleading for the past two hours now, I think I'm majoring on it.

He looks at me and then down on his feet. I'm feeling nervous right now as to what he might say. 

Fingers crossed, I hope he'd help.

Another minute of silence had passed, and I'm giving up hope now.

"If you're not okay with this, it's fine really," I finally say, "but please don't ever tell any--"

"I'll help," he says and turns to smile at me.


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