Chapter 61

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"Are you feeling okay now?" I asked Thayer, pointing towards his wounded arm

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"Are you feeling okay now?" I asked Thayer, pointing towards his wounded arm.

He shot me a smile and stretched his arms, "Nothing can make me weak, except you."

He winked at my direction and I felt heat creep on my cheeks. What the heck is that even for?

"You guys," Mike said from behind, "I've contacted Lydia. She said she'd help."

"That's good news," Thayer said, cleaning the rest of the plates from the counter.

I turned to face Mike, now holding his phone and typing in it, "How would she help?"

"Getting information," he answered, giving me a small smile, "maybe, even proving if Dr. Jean really is your mom."

"What if she's not?" I asked, playing with the ends of my hair.

"What if she is?" Thayer contradicted.

I sigh, rolling my eyes and feeling worn out. I fixed my gaze on the square-shaped clock attached to the wall, beside it is an abstract painting and other than that, the wall is bare.

The windows are all closed, -- just for our safety measures -- as well as the doors. It had been three days since I saw my parents and found out the truth-- okay not the whole truth -- about my identity. I was adopted. Shannon and I are adopted, and apparently, our mom was an aspiring medical doctor in the making during the time she got pregnant to us.

I closed my eyes and tried to shake the thoughts of that being Dr. Jean. I mean, maybe, her being my mom would make sense, but I still feel a lot of wrong things about it. Maybe she isn't. Maybe we haven't really met her in person.

"Scar," Mike placed his hand on top of my shoulder, "we'll figure this out, okay?"

I looked at his eyes staring back at me. I wanted to believe him, and I do, but somehow, I still feel weary because everytime we thought we figured something out, things just go messing everything it up again only to slap us in our faces with the truth that we almost figured something out but actually didn't.

I swear my head is aching with all these thinking.


"Does it hurt?" I asked, sitting beside Thayer on the couch. The television was on, and Mike is in his room, making calls to Lydia and also to his sister Gemma.

Thayer looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows at first, "What, the wound?"

I nodded.

He shrugged, "Well yeah, at first it did. But now, I'm starting to get used to it and it's not that painful anymore."

I nodded again, looking at his arms, then towards the television. It was playing a film about three robbers who decided to rob an old man, but little did they know that that blind man can do so much harm to them than they could imagine.

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