Chapter 64

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My lungs are burning, my feet are so close to giving up

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My lungs are burning, my feet are so close to giving up.

If I would count the number of times that I had run since getting out of the sanitarium, I think I would lose count. Goodness, I hate running.

But running is always the thing that saves our assess off so I can hate it later.

"You alright, Scar?" Mike asked as we continued running through the cemented road. My feet is killing me and wearing this worn-out sneakers we had purchased on the sidewalk stores isn't really a good idea. It hurts like heck.

We passed by a park, where there aren't any children playing anymore at this time of the day. The sky is a deep color of orange right now and I think I just want to sleep.

But fuck it, I'm running.

We hear gunshots, and fortunately, it doesn't hit us nor  is Chris and Aubrey close to being near us. So we're safe, for now.

"Go run!" Mike shouts as he stops on his tracks.

"Man what are you doing?!" Thayer shouts back as we both came to a stop also, we're looking at Mike kneeling on the ground.

Mike breathed hard, "I'm tired. I'll catch up."

"No you can't!" I say, "you can't stop. Come here, come on!"

I hurriedly walk towards Mike and helped him up, his right arm slung over my shoulders and his left arm on Thayer's shoulder. Mike is panting heavily, and when I touch his forehead, he's burning with a high fever. My head snaps towards his direction, "You're burning. You're not okay! Let's just, run a little bit more then find a place where we can stay."

"Just give up already!" I heard Aubrey shout from behind. I heard her so clearly that it means they're already close.

"Come on let's move!" Thayer says as we all run at the same time, still carrying Mike with all our might.

There is another gunshot, and even though Mike is too heavy for my frail body, I tried to carry him and not let it bother me. It's the time I do the saving instead of the other way around.

"Where can we go?" I ask Thayer as we both fastened our paces.

"Let's call a cab," Thayer suggests, "we can't keep running forever. And Mike is sick, he might pass out any minute."

I agreed, then looked on the streets. But it's dead empty, I don't think there are any cabs going in this direction.

"Turn left," Mike whispers, obviously trying to find his strength, "there's a shortcut there, towards my old apartment."

"You're still okay, right?" I asked, "just hold on a little bit longer."

He nods, too weak to say anything.

We all headed towards the direction Mike told us, and luckily, we seemed to lost Chris and Aubrey.

We passed by little apartments, some small shops which looks like had already gone out of business, until we reached a small white apartment. And I remembered it, this is where we first went after getting out of the sanitarium. Mike's apartment.

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