alternate ending

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Yes, this indeed is the alternate ending for the story 💗

Thank you so much again for well, everything. For the love and support you've given this book. I can't believe that I wrote this way back in 2016 and it's been like three years now. 

This isn't the perfect book I know. There are seriously a lot of grammatical errors but I still thank you for still loving this book and being just absolutely amazing.

Anyway, enough of this, let's get the alternate ending started?


t u r m o i l

a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty

"Every time I think I am out of the woods, I am back in the fire." 
― Robert Black

I wake up feeling all excited and giddy. I can already imagine the sumptuous meal that I'd be eating for breakfast today. I get up from my bed and stretched my body, feeling all relaxed at once.

I waited for Mike so that we can both have breakfast together. I didn't wait too long because a few minutes later, he's already there standing in front of me looking all fresh and tidied up.

"You look excited today than usual," he greets me and I just shake my head, still with that smile plastered on my face.

"Where's Thayer?" I ask him as we are walking. He looks at me for a second, and then he ruffles my hair.

"You're always looking for Thayer," he tells me shaking his head, "as usual."

"Ooh, come on," I say playfully punching him on the shoulders, "You know, you really should warm up with him."

He just shrugs, and then eagerly assisted me when I almost bumped into a table. We both laughed.

"Just wait here," he tells me when we reached our desired spot, "I'll go get something nice."

I nod my head, looking around the place waiting for Thayer to show up.

I look back on all that happened for the past days. And then I shake my head, still not believing it. I want to pinch myself to see if there's something wrong with my memories, trying to see if I'm just imagining things.

But nothing happens. I guess they're all true.

Thayer walks in and I smile at him as he takes his seat in front of me. His smile brightens up the day even more, his dimples showing.

"I really can't believe all of this," I say.

"So am I," he tells me, leaning onto the table and tucking a lose strand of my hair behind my ear.

We talk for a moment as we wait for Mike to come back. Everything feels so fine, and perfect.

A few moments later, Mike comes back holding a tray of foods, "Who are you talking to?"

"Thayer," I answer, "stop messing around you doofus."

Mike smiles at me as he hands me my foods. He then takes a seat and then watch me. I let him do that for a few minutes until I felt awkward.

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