Chapter 32

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I haven't seen him for like three days now. I don't know what happened or if something happened to him. I have no idea, and I don't know a whole lot of things in this world and I don't want any addition to my ignorance at this point in time, or ever.

I've been sitting on my bed, staring at the wall since this morning after breakfast. I'm too preoccupied with tons of things. My records are now lying on the edge of my bed and I have no intention of ever touching it again for a while now.

Could it be possible that they're manipulating my records just like what Thayer is continuously insisting?

But why would they do that? It just doesn't make any sense.

The door opens and the same nurse from yesterday peeked her tiny frame inside. She then lets herself in and announces in a very small tone as if she is afraid that I would do anything remotely insane, "It's time for lunch."

I lazily stand up and let her guide me outside my room. Not like I'm going to do something mental, but it's their job. I just feel a bit weirded out because, for these past months, I got so used to Mike being my nurse. It feels weird not having him around.

When I arrived into the cafeteria, I immediately went into my usual spot after getting my plate. Thayer isn't here yet, and there's just only a few patients in here at this time, around seven patients, including me.

I stare at my plate for a while before hunger takes over me and so I decided to eat already. When I was on my third bite, a nurse enters along with Thayer. He walks up to the table where I am sitting at after he got his own lunch. 

"Are you going to say yes now?" first thing he asks as he takes a spoonful of his food into his mouth. 

"I'm worried about Mike," I say not bothering to answer his question which earns me a glare from him.

"Maybe he's on a vacation, okay."

"But he would at least tell me, don't you think?"

"Well maybe he have other real friends on the outside world that he actually told about it."

This time, he is the one receiving a glare from me, and not just a simple glare, but a glare that could kill the entire population of this sanitarium.

"That's actually quite harsh, don't you think?" I ask half sarcastically and half irritated. He chuckles a bit at my reaction and then proceeded onto eating his lunch. I roll my eyes sighing as I looked over the door hoping that Mike would barge in.

My hopes blew down, obviously.


"Where's the other nurse? Mike?" I couldn't help but ask the petite nurse who is leading me back to my room. She seems startled by my sudden question and I can literally saw her inch a bit further away. I try my hardest to not scowl at her.

"I don't know," is all that she replied after a few seconds. She then starts to open my room door and after like a few more seconds, she ushers me in. When I got inside I slowly peeked outside the small glass frame on the door, watching as the nurse walks by and disappear into the other direction.

Falling to my knees, I sigh and leaned my back against the cold asylum door. Where the heck is Mike?

There are a lot of things running inside my head. I'm trying to figure out what might be the cause of Mike's absence, but I couldn't find any valid reason. Except for the scar I found on his arm the other day. Does that have something to do with his sudden disappearance?

I wish he could've told me what's with that.

I wish I had asked the question instead of being a selfish freak sulking into my own problems.

I stand up from the floor and headed towards the bed even though I don't feel sleepy at all. I want to talk to someone, either Thayer or Mike, but that is out of the possibilities right now. Where could he have possibly gone to? Did he leave his job in here?

I really hope not, that would literally hurt me. Mainly because of the reason that I consider him, besides Thayer, as my friend. The two of them are my only friends in life, and it would really be devastating if it would equate to zero in the future.

Lying on my bed, staring into the plain white ceiling, I tried to think of everything occupying my mind. My records, the reason why Mike isn't around and if I should still go with the plan of escaping with Thayer.

I want to leave this place, I want to live a normal life, a different one. A life where I'm not me, Scarlett the mental-slash-psychotic freak. I want to escape this place, but at the same time, I can't do that knowing that I need help. Knowing about my records, knowing about my disorders. I can't just leave this place without knowing where Mike is. I need to see him and talk to him. 

And lastly, I still need to get all of the answers to all of my damn questions. My whole background still remains a mystery, and I'm not even halfway through solving it.


And here's another chapter xx

P.S Comment what you think about this chapter xx And also, leave your ideas or theories about what will happen on the story next. Your guesses, I actually enjoy when you guys comment your ideas or predictions about this story xx

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