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At first it was light and soft and then before I knew it, it was and demanding but somehow, sweet. He held me tighter to his body, while my arms hung limp at my sides as my whole body froze up. I was in shock. This was my first kiss and by the person I would have never have ever expected it from.

To me, I felt like I was on a cloud and he was the only thing guiding me. I felt like I was flying and weightless. All the while, Alex still had his soft, warm lips on mine. When I finally had the sense to push him away, I found that we were in the moving SUV. “What the hell?” I muttered.

He looked pleased and with a broad smirk, he ran his hands through his hair. He turned to face me and suddenly, the smirk dropped. I don’t know for what reason, but it did. There was a glow in his eyes, but I watched as it slowly died. “I needed a distraction to get you inside,” he said dryly.

For some reason, I felt my heart sink to the bottom, but I don’t know for what reason I expected a different answer.  Although, that was a very stupid thing to think, because I meant nothing to him. “Thanks for taking away my first kiss,” I said sarcastically.

He looked at me wide eyed, but I ignored it and looked out the window the entire time so that I could avoid a conversation with him. Somehow, along the way, I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was in my old bed in Alex’s house.

I looked around and the first thing I noticed was the flowers. Roses. All in my room. Some were fresher than others, while some were dead. In every available spot, I had flowers. There was no space to walk without tripping or stepping on a rose. It was shocking to see all the colors arranged in a beautiful bouquet, but even more shocking was that it was all from the garden downstairs.

I stood up and started clearing a path to the door and when I was done, I went downstairs. “Liv!” Catherine yelled as she tackled me to the floor.

I started laughing at her enthusiasm. “Hey, Cathy,” I said between chuckles.

She finally let go of me and pulled me up so that she could inspect me, after she was pleased she spoke. “What the hell were you thinking? Why the hell did you run away? And why on earth are you so thin?” she asked furiously in one single breath.

I opened my mouth to answer, but I was then caught in a tight hug by Sebastian. “I missed you, god-damn it! Why the hell did you run away?”

I pushed myself off him and smirked. “Kidnapper!” I teased him.

He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a threatening look.

“Okay, fine,” I sighed admitting defeat to my best friends ever. “I ran because I was annoyed at the way Alex constantly seemed to think I needed to be baby-sat! I don’t want to be treated that way, but he never listens to me or what I want. And I no more look at him like a savior, but like family.” Something weird happened in my heart as I classified him as ‘family’, but I couldn’t give him any other label. “But when he asked me to stay with Vasya, it upset me. It all clicked into place that he asked Vasya to babysit me at the ball too. And I am no longer a child. So, I decided to run and get my own place and then start doing my research regarding my revenge from my place and then finally I would have struck while the iron was hot.”

I looked at them to see a mixture of emotions in their faces. Happiness, sadness, anger and finally some weird look of joy.

“So why couldn’t you come to us?” Sebastian asked.

I shook my head. “He would have come there first and then refuse to talk to you two, because you helped me.”

They laughed. “It wouldn’t have mattered to us. As long as we knew you were safe,” Cathy said as she hugged me again.

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