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Alex’s POV

I was out shopping for something for Liv to wear. I had lied about the council wanting to see us. However, they had actually wanted to speak to Antoine and Vasya. I knew that it was nothing serious, just routine check up on the threat situation.

It was very unusual to have a threat made on Olivia alone. She was just a human, however cruel that may sound. Anyone that kidnapped her and held her for ransom would be understandable. She was very close to me and my family, but wanting to kill her made no sense at all.

They could gain nothing from her death. She was an orphan and refused to take any wealth I give her. There is no gain from her death.

Just as I had left the town, something felt very weird. I couldn’t accurately describe it, but I knew I had to rush home. I threw whatever bags I bought into the car and contacted someone to bring my car home. If Olivia needed me, I had to be there for her.

I ran as fast as my vampire speed could take me, which was as fast as lightning. Or nearly as fast. I didn’t care; I just wanted to be near Olivia, praying that nothing was wrong. As I reached the boundaries of the house, I could smell her blood.

I was angry, really livid. I could feel the need and desire for blood. Not hers, though, but whoever hurt her. There was no way on earth that she could hurt herself that badly and have the smell linger for so long.

The closer I came, the stronger her blood came. But, I could smell three other scents mixing in. I knew these scents, I noted as I sniffed it. It was familiar, but as I reached the house, I could hear two pairs of feet shuffling around the house. Slowly, I opened the door and searched the house for Liv.

My heart sank to the ground, lower than my parents’ grave as I saw her there. My fear spiked as I saw her pale, colourless, lifeless body on the floor. The blood flowing from a bite mark on her thin throat made me see red. A blinding fury of anger to make whoever did this to her, pay.

Her small body was limp and her limbs pointed at odd angles. I held in a growl, I didn’t want to alert her killers I was here. I bent down and kissed her forehead gently. “I will save you, love. I promise,” I said and ran up the stairs stealthily.

In my office, I found two those men that were speaking to me on the night of Liv’s birthday.  A desire to kill them without mercy overtook my urges, my mind and control. Within a second, I had them both bound and stunned with a wooden stake in their gut. Feeling better that they were unable to move for a few seconds, I stared at them. Hate clouded my eyes and my judgement, but as King, I knew what I wanted and what I had to do.

The makeshift stake was pulled out of one of the oldest chairs I had in my office and I did not regret it one bit. Olivia’s life was at stake, but I would not be able to live if I didn’t avenge her first.

“Which one of you drank from her?” I growled out, the sound sounding more animalistic than anything else.

Jonah, the blonde looked at Mikael. Mikael just hung his head to the side. I looked at my handy work and was proud to see the blood dripping out of his stomach. The wound was far from his heart, yet close enough to strike fear and know that I was not playing around.

The animal side of me, the bloodlust side, demanded that I kill him and get it over with but I couldn’t. He had tormented Liv enough and it was time that I took my revenge. I kicked him in his face. Yet, he didn’t utter a word.

If he didn’t want to speak, I would make him. I ran to my room and pulled out the special rope I had made. It was made from the purest of silver and would weaken a vampire, like it would for a werewolf. I put on gloves I had made to withstand the charms and walked down to the monster.

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