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It was just over a month that I refused to kiss Alex. There was no way on earth I could kiss him knowing that he has feelings for Alyona. Not only would he be cheating on her, but he would be playing with both of our feelings —whether he knew of mine or not.

At first he was shocked and I could see his anger, but I said nothing and just went to sleep, ignoring the pang in my heart. I wanted to kiss him, I longed to kiss him, but what use would it be when he married that redhead and I was left heartbroken and hurt and torn?

For days after that we both ignored each other's existence until I had to move back into the house and share his fourth floor. He told me that he had a strong suspicion of who would have tried to kill me, but he constantly denied telling me. He said that he didn't want to hurt me and let my trust in people diminish.

I had rolled my eyes at him and went on arranging a bed for me in the corner of his vast library. Vasya and Antoine were moving in permanently and were also residing on the fourth floor —apparently. They had both pleaded with me to stay in Alex's room, but I stood stubbornly against it. How could I share a room with a man I loved while he loved another? But not only that, he was being unfaithful to her. Whether they are engaged, married or just dating, he was being unfair to her. I refused to stoop down to that level. I would not look cheap.

I shook out my morbid thoughts and rather focused on my roses. They needed me, even if they were as healthy as ever. Nothing could harm them except if the queen died, I read in a book. No harm could ever befall them unless the queen died.

"Livvy!" I heard someone scream. I ignored it and went on plucking petals that were going to fall off.  The scream didn't have a ring of urgency to it, so I was quite taken aback when Antoine appeared looking very breathless.  "Alex is looking for you," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "You're a vampire, you can't be out of shape," I said referring to him being breathless.

He gave me a smile and held out his palm for me to take. I placed my hand in his, so as not to offend him and he pulled me up. "I wanted to be as dramatic as you are and see what it is like," he teased. "It is quite fun," he added and gave me a slight nudge.

I let out a tired sigh and Antoine looked at me. "You are very tired," he stated.

I kept quiet, not answering him, not giving him any clue. "Livvy, what is wrong?" he asked in a very gentle tone.

I looked up at him as I held the crook of his elbow and walked with him. "Nothing," I answered.

"Are you sure?" he asked, knowing that if I truly wanted to share, I would.

"Oh God! There you are!" Alex said restlessly. "Where were you?"

He broke the conversation between Antoine and me, and in a weird way I was glad. I didn't want to add any stress on him. My burden was mine and I was going to deal with it. I let go of Antoine's arm, offered a small smile and looked at Alex. "I heard that you were looking for me?" I said.

Conversation between the two of us was scarce over the last few weeks. His ego took a big knock and I was feeling guilty for being very, very blunt when I told him no. I don't like being rude to him but when your heart gets tangled in mess that it shouldn't be in, things run wild.

"Yes, I was," he said bluntly, emotionless. Which surprised me, since just a few spilt seconds ago he was worried, but I suppose it must be all about Alyona. "We have been invited by the council for a small ball. You will be attending."

I raised my eyebrow, but said nothing. "Okay," I said when he looked at me expectantly.

He shook his head. "Okay? That is all you are going to say?" he asked me leery.

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