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Olivia’s POV

It has been weeks since my dream and Alex has been on a very high alert. I remember reading a few articles about vampires raiding human towns and killing them when I ran away. This seemed to have become a big deal to Alex –which just adds to his pile of growing worries each day.

Most days he was never at home. At first it was a bit frightening to be home alone. Since a threat was made against the royal family, Cathy and Sebastian as well as Robert and Rosie were told to remain inconspicuous and not to create a routine, but neither could come into the mansion. So I had to basically live alone –with Eli and the other human servants. It wasn’t so bad, if you could ignore the fact that only Aggie and Eli would speak to me. Although, Aggie barely would speak to me since she was afraid. God alone knew of what.

After supper, I would sit by the fire and drink a cup of hot chocolate, it didn’t matter how warm it was. If I was done, I would go up to my room and read or else I would for hours and hours with Eli in the living room and talk. Sometimes if Vasya and Antoine weren’t too busy doing business for Alex, either one of them would sit and talk to me. Yet, most days I would be alone.

One night after supper, it started storming, which I found very weird. It was moving into autumn and it wasn’t due to rain yet. However, it was all out storming. The servants ran around the mansion trying to close all the windows and doors and anything that could break. I sat on the sofa, curled into it as I sipped my creamy hot chocolate. I was not unaware of what was happening, but I was unconcerned for some reason.

I stared at the fire and I could feel my disinterest in what was going on around me. I was feeling miserable and sad. I was wallowing in a deep pit of self-pity. Ridiculous thoughts floated through my head about me being unloved and uncared for.

If Alex even cared about me, he would have been here. Instead he is going out with some girl and trying to make himself fall in love with her.

Why am I here? I’m all alone and it is storming.

I growled as I burnt my tongue taking another sip of the hot chocolate. Alex was rightfully looking for his queen and that was none of my business. It was only fair to him and his future queen. I had no right to feel betrayed. Or neglected. I suppose that I was just used to having people around me to talk to. On a whim I was going to go up to my room, but instead, Eli came and sat next to me.  

“Hey,” he smiled. In his hand was a steaming cup of hot chocolate. He took the seat next to me and pulled the Afghan off the back and covered me with it.

“Hey,” I replied. “Thanks,” I added and pointed to the Afghan.

“No problem,” he said. “So why do you look so depressed?”

I hung my head down. I was in no mood to share my dark tale. I was not about to admit to another human being that I was being self-pitying and feeling neglected because no one spent time with me anymore.

I was not about to admit that I finally realized what my life would be like if the new queen came to live here. In fact, she wasn’t even here and I was already being neglected. I rolled my eyes in disgust. I was pathetic.

I looked back up and found Eli staring at me with his attentive eyes. Then, I remembered that he was waiting for my answer. “Oh, I am not depressed,” I answered quickly. “I am just tired.”

He studied my face, expecting a lie –which it was. I was not truly tired, but I was actually in a sad way, depressed. I was lonely, but I wasn’t alone. I was just thinking too much about everything. If only I could shut off my brain for a few hours, I would be happy.

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