Chapter 27 Cuddes the bunny

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"I wish the front door had a doorbell, sup guys." Puck greeted walking through the door with a cardboard box.

Niall sighed in relief and I stormed up to Puck, "What's wrong with you? We thought someone caught us!"

"Caught you for what? You're just babysitting." Puck set the box down.

"What's in the box?" Niall pulled out a posessed baby doll. "Ah!" he dropped the doll on the ground. One eye, dirty face, no clothes. I'm scared to see what else was in the box. "Is the whole box full of demon toys?" Niall whimpered.

"No, this weekend I cleaned out parent's basment and I got some junk from my childhood."

"So you thought these boys would enjoy playing with your junk?" I asked.


We all looked at the doll on the ground. "Well, what else did you bring?" I looked in the box. Other than the doll, everything looked normal. A few puppets, picture books, old clothes.

"Ew, what is this?" Niall held up a DVR labeled Puck's Birth.

Puck shrugged, "What it says on the front, my birth." he grinned, "My friend watched it, therapy for a year."

Niall shuddered and put the tape down. Louis came in and pulled out a picture book which he smiled and handed it to Puck, "Can you read this for me?"

"Yea sure, I would love to read the Sesame Street, The Adventures i potty training" Puck sighed and sat down infront of Louis and Zayn.

Harry looked though a box and pulled out a peper book, "Niall can you read this for me?" Niall nodded taking the book then droping it.

"Th-that's not really a book."

Confused, I picked up the book which turned out to be one of Puck's magazines. If you get the drift. I rolled it up and hit  Puck in the back.

"Sorry, it accidentally got in there." he said before continuing the Adventures in Pottytraining. I don't even know why Louis picked that book, he's already potty trained. Or at least I hope he is.

"You know," Puck put the book down, "Bert and Ernie aren't just roommates-"

"Don't scar the children!" I yelled.

"Anyway...." Puck continued.

I pulled out an old raggedy pink stuffed bunny out of the box. A bit sad looking, but cute at the same time. I felt bad that a cute toy like this had to spend years in a box, then again it doesn't have feelings.

Which made me think, Barbie and Ken never made love either. Just rotting away in a box in my attic, never finding love in each other.

I threw the bunny on the ground and smiled, "I got it!"

"Don't throw cuddles on the ground!" Puck picked up his precious bunny.

"Love!" I jumped up and down, "Love love love love! That's the answer!" I stopped jumping, "How cheesy."

"Has Ivory gone crazy?" Harry asked wide eyed.

"That's how we turn you back!" I practically yelled in his face. "Who do you love Harry Styles?"

Harry put his finger on his chin and after two minutes he announced, "Miss Moon."

Puck grinned and Niall froze, "The cooking teacher?"

Harry nodded, knowing we were going to help him get a kiss from her, he was also smiling.

I sighed and sat down, time for more brainstorming.

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