Flirtiness and Jealousy

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Avery woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I think that's the first time I've honestly slept since this all started she thought.
She tried to get up but is pulled back into a warm, muscular chest.
She turned and saw a sleeping Kris holding her close to him protectively. Was his shirt always off? She wondered as he began to stir awake. His eyes slowly opened and stared into hers. She blushed slightly and looked away. He smirked,
"Does seeing me like this make you uncomfortable?" He said seductively. She met his eyes,
"No it doesn't. You just... Uhm..."
"I just what?"
"You look hot shirtless.." She said, feeling a strange burst of confidence
"Oh do I?"
Kris smirked and pulled her closer to him. She giggled,
"We should probably go downstairs. I'm hungry." Avery said as she got up and left the room. Kris sighed and followed her downstairs to meet the others.

When she got downstairs she saw all of the boys eating breakfast.
"Avery!" Xiumin yelled to her and waved her over to where he was sitting. She smiled, "Hi, Xiumin." She said as she went to sit next to him. Luhan glared at him as he stood up and pulled her chair out for her. She blushed slightly,
"Thank you." She said. She turned to look at Chen and Tao who looked to be bringing breakfast over to the others. Chen walked over to Avery,
"I present to you... Scrambled eggs!" He said proudly and placed the plate in front of her. She giggled,
"Thank you, Chen. It looks good."
Chen smiled and sat next to her, earning glares from Kris and Tao as he smiled innocently at them.
"By the way I've been meaning to ask you guys. Your clothing.. I've never seen anything really like it. It's reminiscent of steampunk but looks a bit futuristic. I'm confused."
Chen looked over at Tao who cleared his throat and explained,
"We all have powers that were granted to us a long time ago. Mine happens to be time control. My power combined with Kai's allowed us to time travel into the future."
"What's Kai's ability?"
"Teleportation. But he can only teleport somewhere if he has been there before. He can't go to an unknown location."
"That explains how he got into my room the other night."
Lay spoke up, jealousy oozing from the word,
"I just remembered I locked my door that night before going to bed. He got into my room but I wasn't sure how. Now that I know he can teleport it makes sense how he got in."
The others were clearly jealous, but said nothing until Avery spoke up again,
"So what are you guys going to do with me?"
All of the boys stopped eating and looked at Avery,
"I mean, I know you kidnaped me for a reason. What was it?"
They all looked at each other silently before Chen spoke up,
"Do you want to leave?"
"No. I like it here. I just don't understand why you're being so kind to me."
Chen nodded in understanding,
"Why wouldn't we be kind to you? You aren't the one who-"
"Chen." Kris' powerful voice silenced the other as Chen looked down,
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get carried away."
Kris looked at him coldly,
"See that it doesn't happen again."
Chen nodded and busied himself eating. Then Tao spoke up,
"Your parents must be worried about you.."
"I doubt it."
"Because they're dead."
Everyone at the table looked at her. Tao  looked down, ashamed,
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's alright. You had no way of knowing. Besides I'm okay. That was 10 years ago. I miss them, but I'm okay." She smiled as an attempt to reassure him.
"How did they die? If you don't mind me asking."
"My home town was attacked by a pack of wolves. I was the only survivor.."
No one at the table could meet her eyes as the boys looked down. Luhan was the first to speak up,
"Avery... I'm so sorry.."
He looked like he was going to cry. She reached across the table and held his hand tightly,
"Don't cry. I promise I'm alright now. It hurt for a long time and I was afraid of wolves but I'm over that fear and I promise I'm okay. Why are you guys so affected by this anyway? None of you lived in my town."
No one answered. Then Xiumin spoke up,
"We know what it's like to lose people close to us. We went through a similar tragedy."
Avery's heart broke as she heard his voice waver. She held him tightly, then pulled away a few seconds later,
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to invade your personal space. I just... I remember my brothers voice wavering like that when we first heard the screams."
She looked down and he smiled,
"It's okay. I didn't mind." He said in a flirty tone, pulling her closer to him. She rolled her eyes and laughed,
"Very funny, Xiumin. Very funny."
The room went silent. Avery turned towards the others to see their eyes had turned Amber.

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